

Term 1, Week 10

Coming up this week



Thursday 7 April

12:00 K-2 Easter Hat Parade, Parents are welcome

Thursday 7 April

1.15pm Worlds Greatest Shave Parents welcome (gold coin donation) 2.40pm Closing Chapel

Friday 8 April

Pupil Free Day


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Learning experiences between terms

When I talk to parents about term breaks, I get mixed reviews. Some are excited for upcoming family trips. Others are wondering how they can encourage their children to engage in play away from screens – especially when parent work commitments continue. We hope that the ideas below might help.

Pupil-free day, 8 April: Using the Goal-setting model for home goals

Whether your child is sharing their learning with you on Thursday night, 7 April or Friday, 8 April, they will be learning. As Ms Hamblin discusses in the video this week, reflection on learning is a complicated endeavour. You need to think about the present, where you currently are as a learner. Then, you look into the future, identifying realistic targets for next term. Also, you look to the past to determine what strategies have worked in order to predict what might work again.

Consider using this same process in a family meeting, setting goals about what you might attempt, learn or accomplish during the break. Perhaps older children can plan and cook one meal. Perhaps they want to choose new furniture for their play area or rearrange their rooms. I’ve known more than one child who was inspired by the Kondo method.

Other family ideas

Easter possibilities

You likely have some family traditions already, but I’ll share some from my American background:

  1. Dyeing Easter Eggs If you can find white eggs, this is an American artistic tradition
  2. Egg Tapping Competition I thought this was a German heritage tradition, but Wikipedia says they do it in England too
  3. Make a basket of eggs and candy. In my home, some of the real, hard-boiled eggs were added to Cadbury eggs, chocolate eggs, chocolate hollow bunnies and jelly beans. 

Worship the Risen Lord

Last but certainly not least is the celebration of God’s free gift of forgiveness. For me, the tradition of songs and chants set the tone for the day. My parents’ little white lie was that the Easter Bunny hid eggs and delivered baskets after church because he worshipped Jesus too. Then I got older…

Many blessings as you celebrate the fun and wonder of Easter.

We will see you again on the first day of Term 2, which is Wednesday, 27 April.


Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

Term 2 dates
Tuesday 26th April – Pupil Free Day


Term 2 dates

27 April – 1 July

Term 3 dates

19 July – 23 September 

Term 4 dates
11 October – 8 December

From The DEPUTY Principal

Mufti Day

Just a reminder, tomorrow is mufti day. Students can make a gold coin donation to the Leukemia Foundation (more details below). There will be no mufti theme but students will need to wear sun safe clothing and no open shoes.

Fund raising charity – The Leukemia Foundation, ‘The Greatest Shave’

Just a reminder that ‘The Greatest Shave’ and hair colouring for some of our Team 6 students will take place tomorrow at 1.15pm in the quad. Parents and friends of the school are invited to attend this event. If all students can make a gold coin donation on the day or you can make an online donation to the following address, https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?TeamID=136800 

Special mention to our T6 students, Matt Graham, Joe Barklem, Caleb Hocker and Tom Ward who have agreed to shave their hair to raise money for the Foundation. To date, the boys have raised over $3800 which is a fantastic effort. I would also like to thank Alison Graham and Stacey Barklem for their assistance in organising the day. I would also like to thank ‘Bargain Buys’ in Wagga for donating the coloured hair spray free of charge to support the event.

Easter Hat Parade

The Easter Hat Parade will take place tomorrow at 12pm in the undercover area. Parents and friends of the school are invited to attend and watch the student’s parade to music. I am looking forward to looking at the great array of Easter hat designs the children will be wearing.

There might even be a special visit from someone……..watch this space!

Thanks to Mrs Forsyth for her organisation of this event, I know the K-2 students are looking forward to it.

ANZAC Day march
A large number of students have indicated they can march under the school banner on ANZAC day which is terrific. Students can meet Ms Moellor and Ms Grant at 10am on the corner of Berry Street and Morgan Street.

Students can be collected at the conclusion of the march outside the Mates Gully Café.

House Cross Country
Congratulations to Willans Hill House who won the 2022 Cross Country event. Ms Stewart announced the age champions and record breakers on Friday and Ms Moeller presented the winners trophy to Tessa Stoll and Tom Ward.

Student led conferences
Just a reminder that the student led conferences will take place this Thursday after school and Friday morning. This is an opportunity for your child to talk to you about their learning this term and identify some goals in their social, emotional and academic learning for next term.

Finally, just a reminder that Friday 8 April is a pupil free day while student led conferences are being held.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter break and gets to spend some quality time with their family. Students return next term on Wednesday 27 April.

Dylan Evans

Deputy Principal

Values Focus


John tells us why he wrote his Gospel: “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30–31). Life! When we believe that Jesus is the Christ, God gives us life—abundant life, forgiven life, and eternal life.

Historically, the Fourth Gospel is likened to an eagle—an image that suggests John soars to heights of glory and grandeur. That’s because the evangelist paints a stunning portrait of Jesus, who is the bread of life, the resurrection and the life, and the way, the truth, and the life. Life in Jesus. That’s God’s gift to you!

This Lent, our life in Christ will be strengthened as we hear the witness of those in John’s Gospel who journeyed to the cross. Along the way, we’ll meet villains, such as Barabbas and Pontius Pilate, as well as sinners, such as Peter (who denied Jesus three times), Mary Magdalene (who was possessed by seven demons), and Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver).

Please join us for worship as we hear the witness of these people in John’s Gospel:

10 April Palm Sunday at 9:30am: The Disciples, John 12:12–19
14 April Maundy Thursday at 7:30pm: Judas Iscariot, John 13:21–30
15 April Good Friday at 7:30pm: John, the Gospel Writer, John 19:25–37
17 April Easter Sunday at 9:30am: Mary Magdalene, John 20:1–18


The Finish Line

The first term of the year is ending and there have been lots of events this term that have been fantastic. Students crossed the line in the swimming carnival, they crossed the line in cross country, and some even crossed the finish line at the soccer gala. There have been lots of finish lines crossed. For everyone in Kinder, you crossed the finish line of your child’s first term at school. Something I don’t want to think about yet, I’m happy in denial that my children will never grow up.

But seriously, everyone likes to cross the finish line, especially if that means coming first in sports. That can be your AFL team winning the holy grail or coming first in the 100m sprint at school athletics. We all like winning and getting the ribbon or trophy. Coming up to easter though, there is 1 person who did win and did cross the line for us. Namely Jesus Christ.

There was something Jesus said while hanging there on the cross for us so that we know the race is finished and never have to struggle trying to win the race of life. In John 19:30 when Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. There and then, Jesus completed everything God demanded of us, he finished for us where we couldn’t. Where we fall short Jesus didn’t, he finished God’s task for us, so that we never have to experience the full devastation of not crossing the finish line.

Australian sport is full of heroes who help fallen athletes cross the finish line. An Australian in one of the track and field events at the Olympics helped a fallen competitor cross the line when he fell. The Aussie stopped running turned around and helped his mate just get across the line. In the V8 Supercars when one of the drivers crashed on the racetrack, a fellow driver pulled over and took his competitor to pit lane where he was safe. Wherever Australians go in their sporting adventures you usually here of this happening. Jesus dying on the cross for us, is this and more!

Paul says something similar to Timothy in one of his many letters. He encourages Timothy to keep on in the race, not to give up despite all the challenges. More importantly, now that Christ finished it on the cross Paul talks about just finishing, not even about coming first. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2Tim4:7)”. Because Jesus died on the cross for us and came first completing what we couldn’t. We only need to worry about finishing the race now, not coming first. Finishing the race means keeping the faith in Jesus Christ, and when we fall Jesus is there. Not to complete the race for us, but when we fall, like the Olympians, he is there to help us up and continue through the pain.

So as the term comes to an end and holidays begin, I can say 2 things. Jesus has been there to help you though the tough times of term 1, both staff, students, and families. And he will be there for you as you continue the race of life, the race that he finished.

Blessings for your Easter holidays.

Pastor David Cherry

Bethlehem Lutheran Church



Curriculum Matters


This term at school I have worked alongside teachers in collaborative planning meetings focusing on contemporary teaching and learning practices. A part of our school’s ‘Contemporary Learning Framework’ is  Project-based learning (PBL). PBL  is an approach to teaching and learning that engages students in rich and authentic learning experiences. 

In a PBL environment, students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to an engaging question, problem or challenge.  PBL learning addresses cross-curricular content and learning dispositions through rigorous, authentic, hands-on, interactive learning experiences. PBL focuses on active, student-directed learning. It gives students an authentic, real-world context for learning where student voice matters.

Students face complex challenges in a post-school environment where problem-solving, collaboration and creativity are highly valued skills. The NSW curriculum embeds  ‘Learning Across the Curriculum’ content, which includes general capabilities. The general capabilities are the skills, behaviours, knowledge and attitudes that will support students in leading successful lives in the future. The general capabilities are:

·         Literacy.

·         Numeracy.

·         ICT Capability.

·         Critical and Creative Thinking.

·         Personal and Social Capability.

·         Ethical Understanding.

·         Intercultural Understanding.

Project-based learning pedagogy provides real-world practice and application of the general capabilities, within curriculum requirements of content and skill development.

As we begin our PBL journey we are dipping our toes into creating authentic learning experiences by designing a project that incorporates curriculum outcomes and incorporates learning that is authentic to each year level.  Over the past few weeks teachers and I have met and planned a unit for Term 2. I look forward to students and teachers sharing their PBL learning experiences with you via our weekly newsletter and Seesaw next term.  

Emma Grant

Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

LSWW Cross Country.

Our K-6 Cross Country was held at Lake Albert on Wednesday 30 March. The day was full of lots of colour, healthy competition and beautiful sunshine. All students are to be congratulated on their participation, enthusiasm and determination in their events. Congratulations to our Age Champions, the students who broke new records, our Champion House and the students who qualified for the RAS Cross Country. A big thank you to Mr Phil Hoey (paramedic), the K-6 staff and our wonderful parent volunteers/spectators for ensuring this event ran so smoothly.

House Champion
1st    Willans Hill
2nd  Tatton Hill
3rd   Rocky Hill
4th   Red Hill


2022 RAS Netball

On Thursday 31st March 6 girls from Stage 3 went to the Wagga Netball Centre to trial for the RAS Primary Netball team to then go to NSWCIS trials in May. The girls were Poppy Gaynor, Annabelle Hannaford, Abigail Toohey, Tessa Stoll, Pippen Cook and Summer Battenally. There were 29 girls in total who trialed from the other RAS schools.

Our LSWW girls were all highly skilled and showed true sportsmanship and
demonstrated their knowledge of the rules and expertise in netball.
Poppy Gaynor and Annabelle Hannaford were successful in making it into the RAS team and will accompany Mrs Wadley to the NSWCIS trials in Sydney on Friday 6th May.

Thanks to the parents who transported the girls to and from the courts. Good luck to Poppy and Annabelle in Sydney.

Nicole Wadley
RAS Netball Coordinator

NSWPSS Swimming Championships

On Monday 4 April Victoria Palmer travelled to Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre for the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association (PSSA) Swimming Championships. Victoria was representing CIS and competing at her first NSWPSSA Swimming Championships.

Victoria had qualified for the 13 Years Girls 50m Freestyle. Victoria performed extremely well in her heat, recording a time of 34.97. Not only did Victoria place third in her heat, she improved her previous personal best (PB) time for this event.

Congratulations Victoria on your wonderful swimming achievements, the school is super proud of your enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to this sport. Thank you to Shane-Ann Palmer for transporting and supporting Victoria at this event.

Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher – Sports Coordinator


This week, the children had so much fun designing and creating their hats for the Easter hat parade.

We have also been busy painting, making paper snakes and stickers and Easter craft. Playing outside in the sand pit and enjoying afternoon tea outside has been very popular over the last few week.


At OSHC we will be running an Easter raffle $2 per ticket or 3 for $5. All money raised will go to Angel Flight.

BASC Vouchers

We are now ready to accept the NSW BASC (before and after school care) vouchers. If you have a voucher and would like to redeem it please see Bec in the OSHC room or if you have any questions about the vouchers please feel free to call 69238124 or email us at [email protected].

Vacation Care: is fully booked. If you would like to go on the wait list for any days please speak to OSHC educators.

We look forward to another wonderful week.

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator.

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