


Term 3, Week 1

Coming up this week



Wednesday 20 - Friday 22 July

ACT & Regional NSW Snowsport Championships - Perisher

Friday 22 July

9:10am Chapel - all welcome

Friday 22 July

NSW PSSA Cross Country Championships - Sydney


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Term 3 Value: Service

I’ve always marvelled at those who have the gift of hospitality. You know the people I mean… those who seemed unphased by an unexpected knock on the door. Even if a you arrive unannounced, there seems to be a cake and tea ready to serve. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul raises hospitality as a gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Most of my life, I’ve confused service with hospitality. My ‘inner critic’ said, You’ll never be one of them – you have too many other things to do, you don’t have the beautiful presentation skills. Look at your house, it looks like a bomb hit it.

Two things have been learned through the years: 

  1. Hospitality is one form of service – there are many others
  2. Service is less about what you do and more about who you are in the present moment

Hospitality is one form of service

The same verses in Romans that name hospitality as a gift, list a number of other gifts of the Holy Spirit: prophesying, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy.

The small ‘teachable moments’ we have as teachers and parents are gifts of service. The encouraging letters we write, the visionary meetings we have with our staff and the mercy we show those who have wronged us are gifts of service.

Service is less about what you do and more about who you are in the present moment

We miss opportunities for service when we are not in a mentally or physically healthy space. Current research in neurocardiology tells us that the brain and the heart are connected in ways we are only beginning to understand. When we focus only on what we do, we risk becoming lost in our busy-ness and miss the little gifts that surround us – the flower growing through the crack in the footpath, the smiles of our children and others. More importantly, we miss the needs of others that can be met in a simple word of encouragement or a listening ear.

Jesus reminded his dear friend Martha of this when she was rushing around and criticising Mary for not helping with hospitality tasks. Mary felt it was more important to be present with Jesus than get caught up in the busy-ness. Jesus didn’t tell Martha she was wrong, He simply pointed out that being mindful and present was also a form of heart-felt service.

As we focus on service this term, we connect it with mindfulness. Through prayer and meditation, our hearts connect with our minds and we are better able to serve. We come to understand that those who always have the smile for the unexpected visitor are hospitable because of their mindful presence, not the cake they serve. 

Opportunities to serve as volunteers

Spring Festival on 12 November

As you spend time in your own mindful practice, consider if you might be willing or able to be present at our Spring Festival on 12 November.  Even if you don’t have a specific idea for a stall, please email [email protected] and let Nicole know you are able to help someone else with a stall. Stalls can be simple. Here are some ideas:

  • Silent auction
  • Country Fair
  • Silent Disco
  • AFL/NFL activity
  • Paint-your-own cookies
  • Dunking machine supervision
  • Run the BBQ
  • Provide samples of international foods 
  • Other?

School Board Facilities Sub-Committee

We are also looking for up to 3 parents to be on a School Board Facilities sub-committee. The purpose is to help advise the Board as the school moves forward to make our Master Facilities Plan come to life. We’re looking for parents with experience building – preferably commercial building, but that is not a requirement. Again, if you can help or you can nominate someone who we might approach, please email Nicole at [email protected].

We hope you are able to serve by sharing your gifts with us.

Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

NSW PSSA Cross Country Championships – Sydney
Friday 22 July

9:10am School Assembly
Monday 25 July

6:00pm Parent Information Night – Supporting Reading Comprehension  7:00pm P&F Meeting


Tuesday 26 July

Touch Football Gala Day (Years 4/6) -Jubilee Park
Wednesday 27 July

From The DEPUTY Principal

Team 6 Canberra Tour

At the end of last term Team 6 undertook an educational tour of the national capital. Students participated in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate was paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

Thank you to Mr Richards, Mr Evans, Mrs Whatmuff, Ms Hamblin and Mrs Hodgson for giving up their time to take Team 6 students on this experience.

Lutheran Parents' Winter Cocktail Party.

Tickets are now available for the Lutheran Parents’ Winter Cocktail Party and can be purchased through the following link:


The event will be held on Friday 26 August 2022, at The Gardens Function Centre, Botanical Gardens in Wagga, commencing at 7:00 pm.

The ticket price ($75) includes hot and cold finger food, and entertainment by Who’s the BOSS party band.

This event is a chance for Lutheran school parents to enjoy a fun night together – rather than a fundraiser. There is a casual focus to the night, a chance to mingle, have a chat and dance with members of our wonderful community.

Tickets are limited so get in quick!


Curriculum Matters


It was a nail-biting final with some extremely tricky words eliciting groans and gasps from the audience of students, teachers and parents. The lists created consisted of words that were tremendously tricky to pronounce. Thanks to the Spellmaster judges Mrs Whatmuff and Mr Richards. They did a great job of ensuring everything ran smoothly and the finalists’ attempts were recorded and tallied. Thanks must also be extended to our Team 6 Technology Leaders for their work behind the scenes.

In the end our worthy winners were:

Kavin Mahendrarajah – 3rd place and as well as the overall round winner with a perfect score of 92/92,

Liya Philip-Cheriyan – 2nd place, and

Kirollos Estafanos – 1st Place Spellmaster Champion 2022.

The winning house will be announced on Monday 25th July at the school assembly.
Congratulations to all of the finalists for their marvellous efforts.


Each year, across Australia, the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) brings children and books together celebrating CBCA Book Week. Throughout the year, the CBCA works in partnership with authors, illustrators, publishers, booksellers and other organisations in the children’s book world to bring words, images and stories into the hearts and minds of children and adults.

Our Book Week Vision at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga is to create a community of learners that celebrates quality Australian literature for young people. We are excited to announce that Book Week will be held in Week 6 with our usual Book Fair and a Book Parade. More information will follow in the next few weeks.

You can check out the shortlisted books for 2022 on the CBCA website. http://Presenting the CBCA Shortlist – 2022

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator:

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During Vacation Care, children had many exciting days. We went to the Pomingalarna Cycling Complex, Laser Tag & Ten Tops.

We are super proud of the way the children represented Lutheran OSHC while out on excursions! They treated each other with respect and kindness as well as treating the environment and the staff with respect.

Laser Tag

The children showed off their competitive side at Laser Tag as they formed alliances.

Lego Day

Lego day was a big hit for everyone. Each child got their own Lego set and spent hours focusing on completing their creations.

Paint Like Picasso Day

At our Paint Like Picasso day, the children were confident and involved learners. They displayed pride in their creativity as they showed each other their paintings.

Hoop Day

On Hoop Day the kids had fun creating wreaths. We used hula hoops as the base and then the children added some string and could also add faux flowers. Staff members then glued itall together.

Shop Until You Drop Day

On our Shop Until You Drop day the children were conscious of how much money they had to spend as they carefully weighed up their options of what to buy. Lots of children bought slime, dinosaur eggs and fidget toys.

Back at OSHC we played games such as musical chairs, stuck in the mud and silent ball.

All children who attended Vacation Care these holidays should be proud of the way they conducted themselves!

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]

We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.


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