Term 1, Week 7
Coming up this week
Tuesday 22 March
6.00-7.00pm - Super Circus Parent and child event held in the Chapel
Tuesday 22 March
7.00-8.00pm - P&F Meeting held in the Chapel
Wednesday 23 March
Year 4 camp Howmans Gap
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Feedback on our Master Facilities Plan
If you were here for the Family Fun Day, you would have noticed a station of the Scavenger Hunt that had draft maps of our Master Facilities Plan. We are grateful for the community feedback, including the positive comments from Mayor Dallas Tout and Councillor Dan Hayes.
Student Feedback
We are currently seeking feedback from students on the plan. Years 5 and 6 had a chance to give feedback this week. Years 3 and 4 will have a turn next week. So far, student feedback has included redesign of the oval for greater numbers of games. The conversations led to some of the girls sharing that they aren’t playing as much sport during breaks because the boys get to the soccer posts and AFL posts first. We’re so grateful to the girls for speaking their truth. Their words are already leading to discussions with both girls and boys to see how we can better encourage girls’ participation in sport both in the short- and long-term.
Other suggestions from students include an agricultural and garden area linked to an outdoor covered kitchen. They would like to see a small petting zoo attached to a preschool. A couple of environmentally-conscious students suggested a covered carpark with solar panels and an electric vehicle charging station. They were vocal about not cutting down any more trees than were absolutely needed. Some mentioned the need for quiet outdoor garden spaces to calm down when needed. We’re not making any promises, but we are grateful for their voices in this process.
Parent Feedback
Parents will have time to look at the plans and give feedback during the upcoming P&F meeting on Tuesday, 22 March beginning at 7pm. Please come and join us for the Super Circus at 6pm, followed by the P&F meeting.
Next Steps
Once staff, students and parents have given feedback, the drafts and the proposed staging of builds will be forwarded to the architect for further drafts. We hope to have a final MFP adopted by the end of Semester One.
Janet Moeller
Mark your calendars
Term 1 dates
31 January – 7 April
Term 2 dates
27 April – 1 July
Term 3 dates
19 July – 23 September
Term 4 dates
11 October – 8 December
From The DEPUTY Principal
Care Coordinators
Below is a list of parents who have volunteered their services to act as a Care Coordinator for this year. Many thanks to these people. This is an opportunity for you to involve yourself in the life of the school. It might involve liaising with the school in supporting a family in need from your child’s class or organising some social events with the grade’s parents to continue to build some school community spirit.
Please let your class teacher or myself know if you are interested in taking on this role.
Grade Care Coordinators
Kindergarten Tara Freeburn and tbc
Y1 Crista Robinson and tbc
Y2 Lisa Price and tbc
Y3 Jodi Mitchell
Y4 Tbc and tbc
Y5 Liz Gooden and tbc
T6 Naomi Stuart and Mel Hannaford
Parent Volunteers
As Covid restrictions start to ease, it should be easier for parents to volunteer their services in the life of the school. For parents new to the school there is a parent volunteer process that you will need to follow. This has a number of parts to it. To learn about the process, see the Volunteer Page on the school website.
Next Monday 21 March at 4pm I will be running a Parent Volunteer session in the Resource Centre for parents who have completed the initial steps in the parent volunteer process.
If these dates do not suit please contact the office to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Students who are unwell
If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school.
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner has released a number of online resources to support parents at home. These include webinars and practical advice on how to support your child in the online space. These are listed below.
Term 1 eSafety webinars for parents and carers
http://Webinars for parents and carers | eSafety Commissioner
eSafety’s parent guide to helping kids thrive online
Helping kids thrive online webinar info sheet.pdf (esafety.gov.au)
eSafety’s parent guide to cyberbullying and online drama
Registration (gotowebinar.com)
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
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Values Focus
John tells us why he wrote his Gospel: “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30–31). Life! When we believe that Jesus is the Christ, God gives us life—abundant life, forgiven life, and eternal life.
Historically, the Fourth Gospel is likened to an eagle—an image that suggests John soars to heights of glory and grandeur. That’s because the evangelist paints a stunning portrait of Jesus, who is the bread of life, the resurrection and the life, and the way, the truth, and the life. Life in Jesus. That’s God’s gift to you!
This Lent, our life in Christ will be strengthened as we hear the witness of those in John’s Gospel who journeyed to the cross. Along the way, we’ll meet villains, such as Barabbas and Pontius Pilate, as well as sinners, such as Peter (who denied Jesus three times), Mary Magdalene (who was possessed by seven demons), and Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver).
Please join us for worship as we hear the witness of these people in John’s Gospel:
Wednesday, 23 March at 7:30pm: Peter, John 18:12–27
Wednesday, 30 March at 7:30pm: Barabbas, John 18:33–40
Wednesday, 6 April at 7:30pm: Pontius Pilate, John 19:1–16
10 April Palm Sunday at 9:30am: The Disciples, John 12:12–19
14 April Maundy Thursday at 7:30pm: Judas Iscariot, John 13:21–30
15 April Good Friday at 7:30pm: John, the Gospel Writer, John 19:25–37
17 April Easter Sunday at 9:30am: Mary Magdalene, John 20:1–18
Live a life of service to others
What do you think of when you read about, or when someone mentions service? Do you think of formal church services, volunteer services, or the services that come to your house such as internet, electricity, and gas? Service can mean one of two things:
- As a noun it is the action of helping or doing work for someone
- As a verb it means to perform routine maintenance or repair work on an object.
As Christians we are called to a life of service and Jesus showed how this is to be done.
When he (Jesus) had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. (John 13:12-17)
Jesus was the leader of the disciples, the one they all looked up. He was even the Son of the God who made the universe. Yet he was down on his knees washing the dirty, dusty, sweaty, muddy feet of the disciples. We don’t see the leaders of our state on their knees washing toilets and emptying bins in the streets. We see a different type of leadership whereby positions are made, and people are delegated to complete tasks. Then the government works together as a well-oiled machine.
As Christians Gods calls us to servant leadership, like what we see when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples. Jesus doesn’t delegate this task to someone else, he does this himself. Jesus tells the disciples that no master is greater than his servant. With worldly eyes Jesus has lost the plot – of course masters are more than their servants. However, through the eyes of God, through the eyes of the gospel, everyone is equal. Both master and servant have all fallen short of the glory of God, we have all sinned and done wrong.
That is why Jesus died on the cross for us: so that we may be baptised and washed anew. Through His sacrifice we have been given God’s grace freely. Jesus died, first washing our feet, first redeeming us. That is why Jesus calls us to a life of service, to a life of servant leadership. Because he first served us and showed us what true service is.
As you go about your week, I would like to encourage you to remember who first showed you what true service is, and why you live in a life of service to others.
God’s peace,
Pastor David Cherry
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Curriculum Matters
What is STEM?
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are essential areas of study that foster students’ skills and prepare them to participate in a rapidly changing world. At LSWW we are fortunate to be able to offer STEM as a specialist subject with our STEM teacher, Mrs Bowman, to all of our students K-6.
STEM education is the integration of subject areas along with knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions to solve authentic, real-world problems.
When students learn within the context of authentic projects, they can see clear connections between learning outcomes and real-world application. Through STEM, our students apply skills, knowledge and understandings in the same way they will be applied in the workforce and in their daily lives.
STEM learning helps students develop key skills to support them to succeed at school and beyond including:
- critical thinking
- creativity
- problem-solving
- collaboration
- communication
- independent thinking
- initiative
- digital literacy
International research indicates that 75 percent of the fastest-growing occupations now require STEM skills and knowledge. It is important that we equip young people with the skills needed to be successful and engaged citizens in a complex and dynamic society.
Thank you to all of those that stopped by the STEM station in the resource centre at The Family Fun Day. We feel privileged to be able to offer this subject to our student community.
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
From The Sports Desk
NSWCIS Girls Soccer Trials
On Monday 14 March Alice Ditchfield (Year 6) and Harriet McGaw (Year 6) travelled to Sydney for the NSWCIS Girls Soccer trials. There were 100 girls from across the state trying out for 14 positions. The girls were given the opportunity to showcase their skills in four games of football. At the conclusion of the games, the NSWCIS team was announced. Although the girls missed out on selection, they enjoyed the experience, had fun and made new friends. Thank you to Edwina Ditchfield for transporting and supporting the girls at these trials
Soccer Gala Day
Last week our Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in the Football Wagga Wagga Mini Matildas (girls) and Mini Socceroos (boys) Soccer Gala Days. Our school entered three Stage 3 teams and five Stage 2 teams. All teams played four games of football against schools from Wagga and surrounding towns. Our students had lots of fun, demonstrated fabulous skills, impressive team work and displayed wonderful sportsmanship throughout the day.
A big thank you to Liam Dedini (Football Wagga Wagga) for coordinating this event, the LSWW staff who assisted on the day, Ellie Baldock (former LSWW student), Zoe Bull and Jodie Mitchell (parents) for coaching our teams. Your support, enthusiasm and expertise was greatly appreciated by our staff and students.
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
The children at OSHC have been having a lot of fun with balloons over the past few weeks with running down on the oval and making balloon animals in the chapel. We have also been getting very creative as we paint on coloured paper, decorated party cups and scratch pads. This week the OSHC children will be creating with different materials including wood, fabric and sand. I look forward to seeing what they make.
BASC vouchers
We are now ready to accept the NSW BASC (before and after school care) vouchers. if you have a voucher and would like to redeem it please see Bec in the OSHC room. If you have any questions about the vouchers please feel free to call 69238124 or email us at [email protected].
Vacation care
The Autumn Vacation Care program is now available with many days already filling up. We have some amazing activities planned including an Easter egg hunt, a visit to the Junee Licorice Factory and so much more. If you would like a copy of the program please email us on [email protected]
We look forward to another great week.
Rebecca Cameron
OSHC Coordinator