

Term 1, Week 9

Coming up this week



Wednesday 6th April

Paul Kelly Cup Stage 3 Jubilee Park

Saturday 2nd April l

Kinder Families catch up Apex Park 10.00am

Thursday 7th April

Mufti Day, Easter Hat Parade - K-2 12-1.00pm, Worlds Greatest Shave 1.15pm, Closing Chapel 2.40pm


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

What is certain?

I grew up hearing adults say, “The only certain things in life are death and taxes.” As an adult, I’ve come to believe that the saying is partially correct. Also certain is seasonal change. Living in Wagga, seasonal changes are some of the most stunning of all the places I have lived. I can already see some of our trees on campus taking on beautiful shades of yellow, orange and red.

I often hear ‘change’ spoken about with fear and trepidation. In a devotion this week, I was reminded that seasonal change means the temporary ‘death’ of some things like flowers and particular outdoor activities. Yet those changes remind us of that which is constant, particularly our Creator God. We can turn to Him in any season of the year or of life and He is constant.

As our school year moves toward winter and our world continues to change in unexpected and sometimes disturbing ways, I pray that we move forward together with the confidence and certainty that we are here together, blessed by our unchanging Heavenly Father.

Student-led parent conferences, reflection and partnership

If you haven’t yet signed up for conferences, please login to Parent Lounge to do so.

Your children have been working hard these past two weeks to reflect on themselves as learners so that they can honestly report to you how they are doing in school. This year, students will also talk about their friendships at school. 

If, after the student-led conferences, you have further questions for the teacher, please remember that teachers are available to talk with you anytime throughout the year. Simply  message them on Seesaw and request a chat in person, by phone or Zoom. We want to make sure you are feeling informed about what is happening with your child. 

Uniform transition

It’s that time of the year when the mornings get colder but the overall weather is unpredictable. We know students learn best when they are feeling comfortable.

Beginning this week, families can choose to send children to school in their full Summer Uniform or their full Winter Uniform. Students should wear one or the other – not a mix of both. Choices of uniform will extend through Week 2 of Term 2 which is Friday, 6 May.

More details about the uniform requirements can be found on our website’s uniform page

Mosquito-born illnesses

One not-so-pleasant change recently is the increased prevalence of mosquito-born illnesses. NSW Health has provided the information below:

As a result of the recent severe weather in many parts of NSW, some mosquito-born illnesses have begun to appear in areas of the state. Japanese encephalitis virus is spread by mosquito bites. 

It has been detected in parts of southern, western and New England areas of NSW following recent heavy rains. 

To avoid mosquito bites and prevent infection: 

  • cover-up while outside with loose, light-coloured clothing and covered footwear, 
  • avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk, 
  • apply insect repellent on exposed skin that contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus, 
  • use insecticide sprays, vapour dispensing units and mosquito coils to repel mosquitos, 
  • cover openings such as windows and doors with insect screens,
  • remove water-holding containers outside your house where mosquitoes can breed.

As we transition to winter uniforms, students are more able to cover their legs and arms with the long sleeves and pants.

Changes based on your feedback

Just a note of thanks for the feedback that our newsletters were being cut off when viewed on mobile phones. This should now be fixed, but please let us know if it isn’t.

We’ve also had suggestions that we might put calendars and term dates in more easy-to-find-and-access places. We are working to make this happen early in Term 2. Stay tuned…

Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

Term 1 dates
7 April last day of term

Term 2 dates
27 April – 1 July

Term 3 dates
19 July – 23 September

Term 4 dates
11 October – 8 December

From The DEPUTY Principal

School Representative Council (SRC) – Mufti Day

The SRC meet and have decided our mufti day will be on Thursday 7 April. There will be no mufti theme but students will need to wear sun safe clothing and no open shoes. Students who come to school in mufti dress should bring a gold coin donation that will go toward The Leukemia Foundation. 

Fund raising charity – The Leukemia Foundation, ‘The Greatest Shave’

To raise even more funds fothe The Leukemia Foundation, four of our T6 students, Matt Graham, Joe Barklem, Caleb Hocker and Tom Ward will be having their head shaved on Thursday, 7 April. All of these students have had family members affected by various forms of blood cancer. This event will start at 1.15pm in the Quad area for our 3-6 students.

If you or your family would like to donate more than one or two mufti dress gold coins, you can make an online donation to the following link https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?TeamID=136800.

Many thanks to Stacey Barklem and Alison Graham for assisting in the organisation of this event.

ANZAC Day march
If your child is interested in marching behind the Lutheran School banner with Ms Grant and Mr Evans on Monday, 25 April, please sign and return the letter that went home today. Further details will follow about times and the meeting place prior to the march.

Cross Country
Many thanks to Ms Stewart and the many parent volunteers that helped out at yesterday’s Cross Country event. It was a beautiful day by Apex Park and the students had a great time. Congratulations to all involved.

The Cross Country award ceremony will take place on Friday, 1 April at 2.20pm in the K-2 Undercover Area. Parents are welcome to attend the event. Parents who attend should be at least double-vaccinated and be free of any COVID-like symptoms. Masks are encouraged but not compulsory.

Parent Volunteers

Next Monday 4 April at 4pm I will be running a Parent Volunteer session in the Resource Centre for parents who have completed the steps as outlined on the Volunteer page on our website.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

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witnesses to christ: people from his passion

John tells us why he wrote his Gospel: “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30–31). Life! When we believe that Jesus is the Christ, God gives us life—abundant life, forgiven life, and eternal life.

Historically, the Fourth Gospel is likened to an eagle—an image that suggests John soars to heights of glory and grandeur. That’s because the evangelist paints a stunning portrait of Jesus, who is the bread of life, the resurrection and the life, and the way, the truth, and the life. Life in Jesus. That’s God’s gift to you!

This Lent, our life in Christ will be strengthened as we hear the witness of those in John’s Gospel who journeyed to the cross. Along the way, we’ll meet villains, such as Barabbas and Pontius Pilate, as well as sinners, such as Peter (who denied Jesus three times), Mary Magdalene (who was possessed by seven demons), and Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver).

Please join us for worship as we hear the witness of these people in John’s Gospel:

Wednesday, 6 April at 7:30pm: Pontius Pilate, John 19:1–16
10 April Palm Sunday at 9:30am: The Disciples, John 12:12–19
14 April Maundy Thursday at 7:30pm: Judas Iscariot, John 13:21–30
15 April Good Friday at 7:30pm: John, the Gospel Writer, John 19:25–37
17 April Easter Sunday at 9:30am: Mary Magdalene, John 20:1–18


Forgiveness: Forgive as we have been forgiven

Forgiveness is an interesting topic these days, mostly because we don’t live in a forgiving world anymore. We have systems in place everywhere to make sure we earn forgiveness, or in the very least stay out of people’s way. What do I mean by this? Well let’s have a look.

To begin with in our modern era forgiveness must be earned, and usually that’s after the AVO, injunction, community service, jail time, parking ticket, detention, and many other methods have been served. Only after we have done our time can we possibly earn forgiveness. Furthermore, forgiveness is always subjective, determined by the person who issues it. You can go through all the motions listed above to be forgiven in society and still never be forgiven by your peers or family. This is a grim outlook to say the least, never knowing if I’m going to be forgiven by my friends or family and not knowing how to earn their forgiveness!

This is where we come in as Christians and the value the school lives by: Forgive as we have been forgiven. Jesus was the one who died for all of us so that we can first know what true forgiveness is. To God (and Jesus) all sins are equal. It is only to us that there are worse sins than others. The bible tells us, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by [Jesus’] grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

All of us have fallen short of not only God’s expectations, but each other’s at one point or another. We have all done something in our life that was wrong and asked for forgiveness. How many times did we as children make mistakes and ask our parents forgiveness, tell them we’re sorry? There may have been a punishment, but our parents still forgave us. This forgiveness we see from our parents is just a tiny glimpse of what we receive from God through Jesus’ death on the cross for each one of us.

As a community of Christians at the school, home, church, families, and even social circles, we have a call on our life and to others. This call is the center of everything we have as a community. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).

This is no easy task, and at times it may seem downright unfair. But this is what we have as a school community: somewhere we can feel safe with our friends, with our work colleges, and with other families. We know that with Christ in our heart and his forgiveness that he first gave us, we too can forgive as we have been forgiven.

Pastor Dave.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Curriculum Matters

Year 4 Camp - Howman's Gap 2022.

What a privilege it was to be a part of the Year 4 excursion to Howman’s Gap, Falls Creek Vic in Week 8. We departed on Wednesday morning with the bus full of happy, excited and enthusiastic students ready for fun and adventure.

Howman’s Gap activities are run by qualified program instructors, who use a comprehensive Learning Framework to encourage participants to experience personal growth, appreciate their natural surroundings and connect with the community.

Camp activities included a high ropes course, a giant swing, bush cooking, orienteering, challenge trails and bush art. The activities challenged our fears, physical capabilities and endurance. These activities encouraged the students to work as a team, building relationships and problem solving.

Thanks to Mr Richards, Mrs Wadley and Mrs Prenzler for their organisation, care and support for all the students on camp this year.

 Testimonials from our Year 4 students.

“The big swing was awesome, you went so high and fast!” Charlie

“I liked sleeping in a cabin with my friends.” Rex

“The cat walk on the high ropes was really scary.” Willoughby

“Lighting a fire and cooking damper on a stick.” Oscar

“The breakfasts were the best. We had hash browns and bacon.” Riley

“Orienteering was lots of fun!!” Zara

“The camp leaders were really nice and gave us lots of encouragement when we felt challenged.” Greta and Nellie

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

NSWCIS Swimming Championships.

On Thursday, 24 March the RAS Swimming Team travelled to Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre for the NSW Combined Independent Schools (CIS) Primary Swimming Championships. Our school was represented by Logan Seaman (Year 2), Georgina Palmer (Year 3), Max Pilkington (Year 5), Poppy Gaynor, Annabel Hannaford, Victoria Palmer and Beatrix Simond (Year 6). The students performed very well, with many recording personal best (PB) times and placings in their events.

  • Logan Seaman 8 Years 50m Freestyle 1:02.87 24th
  • Georgina Palmer 9 Years 50m Freestyle 45.96 21st
  • Max Pilkington 11 Years 50m Breaststroke 55.63 28th
  • Poppy Gaynor 12/13 Years 50m Breaststroke 53.24 30th, 12/13 Years 4 x50m Freestyle Relay 2:37.78 21st
  • Victoria Palmer 12/13 Years 50m Butterfly 40.19 22nd, 12/13 Years 50m Freestyle 38.02 34th, 12/13 Years 4 x50m Freestyle Relay 2:37.78 21st
  • Annabel Hannaford 12/13 Years 4 x50m Freestyle Relay 2:37.78 21st
  • Beatrix Simond 12/13 Years 4 x50m Freestyle Relay 2:37.78 21st


Beatrix Simond – “My highlight was getting to swim in the same pool as Olympians and being there to compete as part of a team.”

Poppy Gaynor – “My highlight was qualifying for my fifth consecutive CIS Swimming Championships.”

Annabel Hannaford – “My highlight was improving my 50m Freestyle time by 2 seconds.”

Victoria Palmer – “My highlight was swimming a PB in the 50m Butterfly”

All students are to be congratulated on their enthusiasm, sportsmanship and achievements in the pool this season. A big thank you to our parents for your transporting and supporting the students in Sydney.

Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator




This week the children at OSHC have been getting into the Easter spirit by starting our Easter craft. We have also made Australia scratch pads, fun bead leg bears and sand art.


At OSHC we will be running an Easter raffle: $2 per ticket or 3 for $5. All money raised will go to Angel Flight.

BASC Vouchers

We are now ready to accept the NSW BASC (Before and After School Care) vouchers. If you have a voucher and would like to redeem it please see Bec in the OSHC room. For questions about the vouchers please feel free to call 69238124 or email us at [email protected].

Vacation care

The Autumn Vacation Care program is available and we only have 2 weeks left to book with  many days already filling up. We have some amazing activities planned including an Easter egg hunt, a visit to the Junee Licorice Factory and so much more. If you would like a copy of the program please email us on [email protected]

We look forward to another wonderful week.

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator

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