Term 3, Week 5
Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
What do we value?
It was exciting to see so many Lutheran Legend Award recipients at the assembly this past Friday. A teacher work group proposed that the “Principal’s Award” be changed to a “Lutheran Legends” award for a number of reasons.
It’s about more than the academic. It’s about well-rounded individuals.
When the working group discussed awards, they began by looking at the former “Merit” award. A merit was given to a child who was caught doing something positive, but it didn’t encourage goal-setting. Students weren’t sure why they received the awards they received. For those wanting merit awards, getting one was much like shooting an arrow, blindfolded, without a target.
The Lutheran Learner Awards give children clear ways to think of themselves as learners. They might be working for academic growth. They might also be working on a social-emotional skill such as patience or collaboration or emotional regulation in general. Finally, they might be focusing on a school value. As a child uniquely gifted by God, some goals will be easier for them than others.
To earn a Lutheran Legends award, students should demonstrate growth in all three areas: Academic Growth, Social and Emotional Learning and demonstration of School Values.
A Lutheran Legend award is presented at assembly for students who get a Lutheran Learner award in each of the three areas.
It’s about the student legend, not about the Principal
Younger children tend to be pleasers. They work to make their teachers and their parents proud. On the one hand, we want them to be conscientious. On the other hand, we want them to learn to do the “right” thing even when no one is looking -not just to please adults. The Principal’s Award was changed to Lutheran Legend award because we want students to feel a sense of accomplishment based on self-reflection and from achieving personal goals, with or without feedback from others. When they show integrity and begin to self-direct their learning, students build life-long learning habits.
We look forward to honouring more Lutheran Legends in Week 8.
Janet Moeller
From The DEPUTY Principal
Book Parade
Next Tuesday 22 August we will celebrate book week by holding our book parade for students. We aim to start the parade at 12:00pm in the Chapel.
Please be aware that, as part our COVID risk assessment, all parents and friends of the school will need to apply hand sanitizer when they enter the hall.
It should be a fun afternoon for all students.
Tournament of Minds (TOM)
Best wishes to our two teams competing at TOM on Sunday 27 August at Sturt Public School. I am sure the students involved have learnt and developed many new skills around collaboration and creative thinking. Thanks to Mrs Whatmuff for her work with the students.
A note from Makehams Coaches
Hi All,
We are hoping you are able to talk to your child/ren and let them know that any form of bullying or racism on the buses will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate suspension if found to be doing so.
We expect all students to treat each other with respect. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to make sure that their child knows what is appropriate and or inappropriate to say to each other.
And we also want to remind you once again about the importance of wearing seatbelts. Please also remind your child of this.
Makehams Coaches
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Lutheran Legends Award
Congratulation to the students who received their Lutheran Legends Award
Values Focus
Book Week 2023 is almost here!
Consider spending some time this Book Week with your household giving thanks for your favourite books. Take it in turns to share who wrote the books and why they are special to you. Perhaps grandparents or elders might be encouraged to share their favourite books, or the books they LOVED to read to their children. Also, you are encouraged to spend the week writing a prayer giving thanks to God for all the stories and authors that have inspired you, made you laugh, cry, think and dream. Maybe you’d like to carve out some special time this week to read one or more of these books together.
A Prayer for Book Week
Creator God, we give thanks for the stories of this land, for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have carried these stories since before recorded time. We are grateful for the ways these stories continue to teach, inspire and connect people and the land.
Loving God, we give thanks for stories of history, science, mathematics and people. May we continue to learn about our past and those who have gone before us. May these stories inspire us to build a more compassionate and loving world.
Laughing God, we give thanks for the work of authors and illustrators who make us laugh out loud, for Bob Graham, Aaron Blabey, Anna McGregor, Alison Lester, Stephen Michael King, Julia Donaldson, Mem Fox, Kelly Canby, Michael Speechley, Freya Blackwood and all who create amazing stories for us to laugh and cry with each other.
Amazing God, we give thanks for stories of fantasy, of new worlds and lands full of wonder and the way they inspire our imagination. For the works of Jaclyn Moriarty, Emily Rodda, Cressida Cowell, Lian Tanner, Karen Foxlee, Gabrielle Wang and the multitude of authors who continue to fill our dreams.
Wonderous God, we give thanks for poets, storytellers, illustrators, for authors of adventure and science fiction stories, for science educators, biographers, editors, illustrators, writers of romance, mystery and even the authors who write stories that scare us out of our pants.
And finally, we give thanks for the stories of your people and ask you write your story on our hearts. May the stories of Scripture continue to inspire us to build a kingdom full of your compassion, love, wonder and glory.
Curriculum Matters
ICAS Timetable
Science ( Years 2-6) Monday 21st August 12.00 midday
Music Room
Spelling Bee (Years 2-6) Thursday 24th August 9.45am
Year 4 Rooms
Mathematics (Years 2-6) Monday 28th August 12.00 midday
Resource Centre
Book Week 2023
Our Book Week celebrations are fast approaching, and preparations are well underway. This is a great community event that helps to promote the love of books and literature.
Book Parade
The Book Parade will be held on Tuesday 22nd August at 12 midday. Families are invited to attend the parade which is to be held in the Chapel. Each class has a unique theme this year. All parents and families have been informed of their year level themes via Seesaw.
Book Fair
The school library will host the Scholastic Book Fair in Week 6 as a part of our Book Week celebrations.
This week all classes will visit the library with their teacher to explore the books and write a wish list based on the books that they like.
The wish list will go home with the students for parents to look at.
Book purchases can be made online following the instructions on the back of the wish list or in person at the Book Fair.
Parents are welcome to visit the Book Fair with children in Week 6.
Before school: 8.30 – 9.00am
After school: 3.20 – 3.50pm
Jane Antrim
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
P&F News
Father’s Day Stall
Father’s Day is fast approaching!
The much-loved opportunity for children to choose something for their fathers returns on Wednesday 30 August.
There will be $5 and $10 presents for purchase on the day, so please send your children with money on 30 August if they would like to partake.
In order to make this possible, if you have an hour or so to spare, we would love your support to help with the stall.
The stall with run between 9am – 2pm. Please ring Liz Gooden on 0439 551 404 if you are able to help.
From The Sports Desk
On Tuesday 1 August, our Athletics team travelled to Albury for the RAS Athletics Carnival. There were over 400 students competing at this annual event. Congratulations to all of the students who represented our school, you displayed wonderful teamwork, sportsmanship and humility.
Our Athletics team performed extremely well, placing second behind Trinity Anglican College. Congratulations to our Age Champions, the students who broke new records and those who qualified for the CIS Athletics Championships. Everyone should be super proud of their achievements.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who travelled to Albury and the staff who assisted on the day. Your support was greatly appreciated.
Sydney GC Cup
LSWW sent two teams last week to compete in the Sydney FC Cup held at Duke of Kent oval.
Our girls were fired up after watching the Matildas’ recent wins and were keen to follow suit. They were successful in making it out of their pool and in to the quarter finals with 2 wins and a loss. Unfortunately it was here they suffered a close loss which ended their run for the day. All girls performed superbly with the majority of them never having played soccer before. All should be very proud and look forward to going further in the tournament next year.
Our boys team started their day slowly with an unfortunate loss to Wagga Public. However, they didn’t let this get the better of them and were determined to bounce back. From there they went unbeaten in their next three games (scoring 15 goals) to qualify for the finals. Here they beat Junee North 4-2 before coming up against South Wagga in the semi final. The boys saved their best for last and all put in a huge defensive effort to come away with a 1-0 win. This qualified them for the Sydney FC Cup Grand Final to be played at Gissing Oval on August 30. Their opposition in the game will be Wagga Public, giving the boys a chance at revenge for their only loss of the tournament.
Thanks to all families who came down to support our students over the two days and we hope to see you all there again for the Grand Final in two weeks’ time.
Todd Woodbridge Cup – Stage 2
On Friday 11 August, our school participated in the Todd Woodbridge Cup (TWC) at the South Wagga Tennis Club. We entered three teams of 10 in this modified tennis event.
Our students played games of doubles against The Riverina Anglican College, Wagga Wagga Christian College and Wagga Public School. Our teams performed extremely well placing first in the competitive and non-competitive draws.
We were very lucky to have Todd Woodbridge attend this event. Not only did Todd give our students coaching tips, he played doubles with some of the students and formally presented our 2022 TWC winning team.
Congratulations to Isabelle Rodney who won the Ash Barty award.
Team One – Charlie Forsyth, Eddie Benecke, Harry MacGregor, Tom Bull and Erik Stone (boys) Isabelle Rodney, Quinnzaarra Sankar, Laia Donaldson, Matilda Mercer and Sass Cook (girls) were successful winning all games and advancing to the regional finals. They will play the winning schools from the local Catholic Schools and Public Schools Todd Woodbridge Cup Gala Days in Term 4.
We enjoyed meeting Todd Woodbridge and participating against other schools. Todd talked about his tennis career and gave us some coaching tips. It was a great day. Charlie Forsyth and Isabelle Rodney
A big thank you to Mrs Wadley and Mrs Forsyth for assisting with the teams, our Year 5 students who assisted with the scoring, Zac Burhop for coordinating this event and our parent spectators.
Caroline Stewart – PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
This past week has been another great week with a lot of activities organised in OSHC.
We took advantage of the beautiful weather and got to have lots of outside play on the oval, playing football, soccer, and other group activities.
Another popular activity for the week was stickers-by-number sheets creating various pictures. This displayed their attention to detail, the ability to read the instructions and follow the guide.
Afternoon tea was selected by the children. Some snacks that were popular in the previous week were chicken wraps, cheese and vegemite scrolls and fried rice.
Aaron Hausfeld
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.