Term 2, Week 3
Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Partnership with parents: Not just word on paper
When families come for enrolment interviews, one of the things that we discuss is the way the staff demonstrate the part of our Mission Statement that says, “In partnership with parents”. To use, these are not just words on letterhead or on a web page. We believe that our calm school environment and our excellent results stem from our partnerships with parents.
What does that look like?
Seesaw was implemented to provide parents with a way to directly communicate with teachers – and for teachers to communicate with you. In past years, you have increasingly known what your children are doing through pictures and messages. This year, you have been better informed about how your children are doing via the rubrics sent home via Seesaw. In addition, teachers use Seesaw and phone calls to let you know in advance if they know your child might come home upset about something.
A way for parents to ask questions and share concerns
Partnerships rely on two-way communication and many of you are already using the Seesaw message to let teachers know if a child might arrive to school upset or if there is something else to note. In the Enrolment interviews, I ask families to commit to communicating with us too.
If your child says that something happened or something about your child’s story feels ‘wrong’
Our goal in ‘partnership’ is to create an environment where parents never feel frustrated. If your child says that a teacher didn’t let them play all day or that someone pushed them – it’s okay to message the teacher and ask for more information – or request that the teacher follow up to investigate a story. In fact, we want you to message and ask.
We want to maintain a culture where families feel comfortable going directly to the staff member that can best address the question both efficiently and thoroughly.
Guidelines for sharing questions or concerns
- Make an appointment to talk to the classroom teacher. Message the teacher via Seesaw to schedule a phone call or an in-person meeting so that the teacher is free to give his/her full attention. If at the end of the meeting parents or carers consider that the issue raised is still unresolved, it is important to state this to the teacher. Note that part of the K-2 and 3-6 Stage Coordinator’s roles is to provide guidance and support to teachers. The teacher may seek advice from the relevant Coordinator. OSHC concerns should first be directed to the OSHC Coordinator either via Seesaw or through [email protected]
- If the issues are not resolved, make an appointment with the Deputy Principal to present the concerns. If the issues are still not resolved after meeting with the Deputy Principal, contact the Principal.
- With the exception of concerns related to Teacher Reportable Conduct (see our Child Protection Policy), parents or carers should meet with the Principal only after speaking first with the classroom teacher, the Stage Coordinator or the Deputy Principal. Teachers know the children best and are in the best position to address specific classroom problems or friendship issues. If those means have been exhausted, the Principal will ask about previous conversations with staff, will listen and will work with families on a follow-up plan.
- If concerns still exist, families may contact the Chairperson of the School Board ([email protected]) who will try to resolve the situation further. The expectation of the Chairperson of the School Board will be that the above steps have been followed. These steps are outlined in further detail, including relevant contact details, in the School’s Complaints Policy which is included on the School website.
Modeling our value of justice
Justice isn’t about punishment, it’s about being fair. We ask families to talk directly to the school first about issues that arise, keeping grievances confidential. The school commits to updating you on the investigations and procedures while we take the time to resolve issues. Although at times families may wish to seek support from friends or an advocate, it is very important to do this wisely.
The School is best able to deal with issues that are raised early, before frustration builds. More information can be found in the Parental Code of Conduct and the Complaints Policy that are featured on the School website.
Janet Moeller
From The DEPUTY Principal
Winter Uniform changeover
Just a reminder, it is now week 3 and that all students should now be wearing their full winter uniform.
Friday Clubs Uniform option
If your child is in a club that is highly active (i.e. dancing, ‘good sportsperson’, walking), your child may feel more comfortable wearing their Sport uniform to school. They are allowed to wear their Sport uniform on the Friday clubs are run if this is the case. We trust your best family judgement in deciding whether or not this is best for your children in relation to their club.
Back to the 80s
On Thursday Team 6 attended the Catholic College performance of “Back to the 80s”. The event was a musical celebration of the iconic decade and featured a talented cast who brought the nostalgia and energy of the 80s to life. We thoroughly enjoyed the performance, and even spotted some former students performing. We thank Kildare for their invitation to attend their Dress Rehearsal.
YEAR TWO Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga!
Jump Rope for Heart is the Heart Foundation’s primary school skipping challenge that helps kids move more, have fun and raise funds for lifesaving research and programs.
This year we’ve got an audacious goal to see our student Heart Heroes at LSWW to log 40 hours of skipping throughout the program!
For Parents and Carers of Year Two students:
Register your child online at:
http://www.jumprope.org.au/parents, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. http://www.jumprope.org.au/parents
Year Two students will be skipping throughout the term in PE lessons/during lunch break. You can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.
We will hold our Year Two Jump Off Day on Monday 19 June 2023. This will mark the end of the program and is a chance for Year Two to come together to skip and show off their newly-learned skills. More information will follow about the Jump Off Day.
Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Lutheran Legends Award
Congratulations to the students that received Lutheran Legends Awards at last Friday’s assembly.
Values Focus
Quality Time
How do you make space for quality time in your homes? Do you do it over a meal? Ss you begin the da? During breakfast, or as you end the day over tea? Do you go for a family walk, bike ride, or adventure? Do you sit with each other before bed time each day and share your day’s stories and learning? Do you find it hard to find the time to spend quality time together, squeezing it into any spare space you can find?
My household tends to share our day’s stories over the meal table as we eat tea. I think Maggie Dent has suggested that, at least with boys, it’s much easier for them to share their stories with a full tummy. We also sit with each other each evening and read stories together, a calming ritual emphasising our love of stories and reading, something that we hope will be passed on to our children.
You may not know about the many resources by https://www.growministries.org.au/, an organization within the Lutheran Church which is focused on providing resources to families, schools and churches which encourage faith development through intergenerational relationships. One of their resources is a set of “Talk time Cards,” created to help build quality time and encourage deep conversations. Perhaps you might like to check them out for your household – they’d be a good addition to the ‘meal table’, offering a conversation per day and helping you build some quality time into your daily routine.
Here are a few of the Talk-Time conversation starters:
• Talk about a time when you, or your family helped a neighbour, friend, or stranger.
• How do you show people you are happy?
• If Jesus were here right now, what would you like to ask or tell him?
• Pretend you’re God and you just finished creating the world. What’s the favourite thing you made?
• When do you see God?
• Draw a picture of what you think God might look like.
• Name a place where you feel close to God.
• What’s the best thing that happened today?
• Talk about a favourite Bible story you remember. Why do you like it?
• Share one thing you like about your family.
• If you have a problem or something’s bothering you, who are the people you would talk to?
Darren Wright
School Chaplain
Curriculum Matters
This week is sign up week for SpellMaster. All students from Years 2-6 are invited to be a part of the fun.
Teachers will sign students up for SpellMaster in class. Each student will be given a unique number that they will need to remember to be able to read their results on the Results Board.
The results will be posted on the window of The Learning Hub office.
Round One will be held in classrooms on Tuesday 16th May.
Just a reminder that this year all the lists in each round are unseen words.
Maths Explorer
Beginning this term, students in Year 3 and Year 4 are part of the 2023 APSMO Maths Explorer competition. (Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads). Maths Explorer introduces mathematical problem solving to primary students in Year 3 and Year 4. Adopting a fun, practical, approach that students can relate to, the programs lays out foundations for future learning and encourages collaboration.
Thankyou to Mrs Whatmuff and Mrs Wadley for coordinating Maths Explorer in their classrooms.
A rubric describes the features expected for a students understanding of a taught concept. An assessment rubric tells us what is important, defines what learning meets a standard, and allows for; as teachers, students and parents to distinguish between different levels of performance.
The rubrics are based on 4 standards in K-2 and five standards in 3-6.
- Novice = just beginning to learn a skill
- Apprentice = starting to get it and moving forward with a skill
- Practioner = meeting the skill level
- Expert = going above and beyond what it expected of the skill
- Mentor = mastering the skill and being able to teach it to others.
Students at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga from K-6 use rubrics to inform how they are learning and their individual performance. Using an assessment rubrics with students in Kindergarten can be likened to being a Novice and will take time to fully understand and master the skill. All students at LSWW are on a learning path to use and understand rubrics effectively to inform how they are learning.
Please watch out for your child(rens) rubrics on Seesaw.
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Lutheran School Wagga Wagga will again be participating in the ICAS competitions this year. ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, and Digital Technologies. We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The competition is open to students from Years 2 to 6. Learn more by visiting www.icasassessments.com
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From The Sports Desk
NSWCIS Touch Football Trials
On Wednesday 26 April Rex Benecke, Ben Bull and Oliver McEachern travelled to Sydney for the NSWCIS Touch Football trials. There were 100 boys from across the state trying out for 12 positions. Rex, Ben and Oliver participated in a skills session followed by 30-minute games. All boys performed very well, demonstrating impressive skills, speed and teamwork. Congratulations to Rex and Ben who were one of the 12 boys selected in the NSWCIS Touch Football team. Rex and Ben will compete at the NSWPSSA Touch Football Championships in Sydney this term. Thank you to Lyndon and Kate Benecke, Zoe Bull and Anna McEachern for transporting and supporting the boys at this event.
Riverina Schools Orienteering Championships
The Riverina Schools Orienteering Championships were held on Tuesday 9 May at the Botanic Gardens. There were 60 students from local primary schools competing against one another in individual and relay events. Our students performed extremely well, with many orienteering competitively for the first time.
A big thank you to Briohny Seaman and the Wagga Orienteering volunteers for coordinating this event. Thank you to Ms Grant, Mrs McLachlan and our parent spectators for managing our team and supporting the students. It was great to see the students having fun, developing their orienteering skills, and encouraging one another throughout the day
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Mortimer Shield and Rugby 10’s days
Over the last 2 weeks I have been involved in taking students to the Mortimer Shield, League Tag and the Rugby 10’s tournament.
I spoke in assembly last Friday about the many skills and qualities on display from our students during these days. The words of encouragement to their teammates, words of congratulations at the end of each game towards the opposition players and playing collectively as a team are such important qualities we want to see in our students at Lutheran School. All students involved were a credit to the school and we recognise this is all part of their Social and Emotional learning which is so important.
Congratulations to Oliver McEachern, Archie Mercer, Sophia Gooden and Zara Balding who won the coaches’ awards for their respective teams.
I would like to thank Mrs English, Mrs McLachlan and Mr Brown for their support on these days. A special mention to Michael Davis who coached the Stage Two Rugby team on the day. It was great to have a parent offer their time and be involved on the day.
Special congratulations to the Stage Two rugby team who won their pool of games and have now qualified for the Brumbies 10’s tournament in Canberra on Friday 2 June. We are all looking forward to the day!
Dylan Evans
Netball School Cup
On Tuesday 2nd May 18 girls from Stage 2 and Stage 3 attended the NSW Schools Cup challenge. The stage 2 team consisted of Sass Cook, Emma, Whitlock, Jessica Stormonth-Flood, Matilda Mercer, Isla Battenally, Edie Hibbard, Maddi Adams, Molly Nicholson and Rosie Molineux.
The girls played every game with determination and great sportsmanship. A huge thank you to Michaeli Cook for guiding these girls throughout the day.
The Stage 3 team consisted of Summer Battenally, Pippen Cook, Sophia Gooden, Adelaide Callinan, Charlotte Hannaford, Mia Shaw, Eliza Gentle, Ruby Macauley and Zara Balding.
This team was successful winning 3 games during the day. Throughout each game their skills improved and they played as a team encouraging and displaying respect for their opponents and umpires.
NSWCIS Netball Trials
On Friday 5th May the RAS netball travelled to Netball Central at Sydney Olympic Park.
This team consisted of 6 girls from Trinity, 2 from TRAC while Pippen Cook represented our school.
Over the day they played 9 games, where they won 3 and drew 1. The quality of netball was amazing and the experience and knowledge that the girls received throughout the day will be valuable going into the netball season. Pippen played in the shooting circle most of the day and proved to be a great asset to the team. Congratulations Pippen on representing Lutheran School and showing great team spirit throughout the day.
Nicole Wadley
P&F News
Meeting held on 2 May 2023:
a. Parents provided feedback to the school regarding the school uniform, the student rubric and the sports days the students have been participating in.
b. The committee is very supportive of the clubs the children are now participating in on a fortnightly basis, and thank the teachers for their work with the clubs. The committee approved a donation of $1,500 to the school to assist with purchasing required materials for the clubs, such as ingredients for the cooking club and materials for muddy club.
2. Save the date for the annual Winter Cocktail Party – 18 August 2023, further details to come.
3. Next meeting Tuesday 13 June 2023.
Over the last fortnight sport has been the main activity at After School Care. We have been down on the oval almost every day playing soccer, cricket, football, tag and many other sports and games. Children have cooperated with others and worked together with great teamwork skills. The children played fairly and treated each other with kindness and respect. Another activity that OSHC was able to spend time outside with was our ‘hoops day’. We took all our hula hoops to the oval and played many games. The children used their creativity to even come up with some games of their own. Some children used the hoops and role played that the hoops were their cars, some children used the hoops as a goal for where they wanted to kick/ throw their ball and some children played games seeing who could roll their hoop the furthest.
During before school care, role playing shop keepers has become really popular. One student will stand behind the counter and serve as other children will prepare the orders and other children and staff will be the customers. Children have used their imaginations and have shown that they are transferring information that they learn from the world around them into games.
Melanie Elmer
OSHC Acting Coordinator
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.