Term 2, Week 9
Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
School parking, drop-off and pickup
I was asked at a recent P&F meeting to share specific information about school drop-off and pickup. Here are some things that you may not know:
- The front car park by the Admin is for quick morning drop off, but not for quick afternoon pickup. The reasons:
- A line-up at the admin car park would result in public school bus delays as they pick up and drop off students from around the city
- A line up at the entrance closest to Red Hill Road results in a back-up at the roundabout
- After school, the quick pick-up near the Kindergarten is almost always free of congestion by 3.30pm. If you want to save your time and avoid the line, come between 3.30 and 3.40pm.
What the Parent Handbook says…
A number of school bus routes and regular city routes converge at the LSWW campus. This is convenient for students and families who need to use bus services.
The main entrance on Tamar Drive just off the Red Hill Road roundabout is at the northern end of the campus. It is a bus turnaround as well. The main parking area is accessed off this bus turnaround. A second parking area near Kindergarten which is accessed from Tamar Drive at the southern end of the campus.
Families wishing to leave their vehicles and pick up their children in person should park in the designated parking spaces in the main car park by the Administration building.
Student drop-off arrangements
The main car park can be used as a drop-off zone before school. Students can be dropped off along the curb. The Kindergarten car park has a designated drop-off zone that can be used before school. Please observe the ‘No Parking’ signs.
Parents or carers are asked to use caution and consider the safety of children when driving and parking near the School. Parents or carers and visitors are asked to take note of signage and use the “in” and “out” driveways. Buses will pick up and drop off students from the “out” driveway of the bus turnaround. Pedestrian access is from Tamar Drive near the School Hall/Chapel and K-2 playgrounds.
Student pickup arrangements
All students travelling home by car should be picked up between 3.20pm and 3.40pm. Out of respect for teachers’ planning and meeting time, the School kindly requests that families do their utmost to adhere to pickup times as supervision of students ends at 3.40pm. Children who require pickup after 3.40pm should be enrolled OSHC.
Quick pickup
The Kindergarten car park is a designated quick pickup zone after school. Please observe the ‘No Parking’ signs.
Students who are picked up by parents or carers will wait next to the Kindergarten rooms. Quick pickup guidelines are as follow:
- Parents and carers in the quick car park queue should remain in their cars and wait for children to come to them
- Cars waiting in the queue outside the school grounds should not block the public foot path
- Drivers move as far forward as possible in the queue so that cars behind them can quickly move off of Tamar Drive
- When exiting, all cars turn left onto Tamar Drive
Right turns from Tamar Drive into the car park cause back-ups for the community around the school and is dangerous for all. Cars arriving from the south on Tamar Drive must pass the School and go around the roundabout on Red Hill Road to join the queue from the north.
Main car park by administration
The main car park is not a quick pickup zone after school. A line-up of cars in the main parking area will block public bus access, affecting students across Wagga. Parents and carers meeting their children after school should park and meet their children by the silver seats and animal murals. Children should never cross the zebra crossings without their parent or carer.
To reduce congestion
Parents or carers who arrive before 3:20pm should park in the street area (please note the ‘No Stopping’ and ‘No Standing’ zones) and walk to the campus. Especially at the beginning of the year, child(ren) should be told how and where their rides home will meet them. Student might meet parents and carers in the area by the main car park or the area by the Kindergarten rooms. Those staying in their cars and meeting children in the quick pickup zone should note that, while there is congestion at 3:20pm, it rarely lasts for more than ten minutes. Arrival between 3.25 and 3.35pm may save time in the long run.
Thank you for all you do to help keep our children safe. For more information about other procedures, you are invited to look through the full Parent Handbook, which is available on our school website.
Janet Moeller
From The DEPUTY Principal
Spellmaster Grand Final
Congratulations to the students listed below who have qualified for the Spellmaster Grand Final. This will take place next Friday 30 June at 9:30am in the Chapel. Best wishes to all students participating in this event.
Early morning drop offs
Just a reminder to all parents that duty supervision starts at 8:10am. There is duty of care concerns if students start arriving at school before this time. Please feel free to enroll your child at OSCH as a before school supervision option. Many thanks for your anticipated cooperation with this.
Semester One Reports
At this stage we anticipate that Semester One reports will be available on Parent Lounge on Monday 26 June. If you haven’t registered for Parent Lounge, please have a look at the information and link below to assist in this process.
Click on https://lounge.lpsww.nsw.edu.au/ (may need to copy and paste into a browser)
Use your five-digit account number available on your fees invoice as the user name.
If you have not set, or can’t remember your password, click the link “Forgot Password?” at the top right and follow the instructions. The email address must be, for security reasons, the one advised to the school.
You will then be able to access your child’s report.
If you are still having issues please email [email protected]
Jump Rope for Heart
Thank you to ALL the students who got involved with Jump Rope for Heart!
A huge thank you for the effort skipping and fundraising for the Jump Rope for Heart program this term. Together we raised an incredible $2949, and this money will all go towards vital heart research and education programs.
We’ve loved seeing so many smiling faces skipping on the playground and in sports lessons. Our Jump Off Day was a huge success.
Online safety Mighty Heroes
The eSafety government website is an excellent resource for parents. Below is an extract from the site with a link to watch a series of short videos. This series of four short video chapters is designed for children aged 5 to 8 years old. Each chapter features a Mighty Hero and their online safety superpower:
Wanda the echidna: I am responsible – I protect my personal information.
River the sugar glider: I show respect – I am kind and caring to others.
Dusty the frilled neck lizard: I trust my feelings – I ask for help when something doesn’t feel right.
Billie the bilby: I investigate – I question what I see, hear and do online.
Watch the compilation video, which includes all four character chapters, or watch each chapter separately.
After watching one or all of the video chapters, use the conversation starters to talk with your child and encourage them to reflect on the online safety messages from each chapter.
Covid/Flu like symptoms
We are currently experiencing many students who have Covid or the flu. If your child is experiencing Covid or flu like symptoms, please do not send them to school. Your cooperation with this would be greatly appreciated.
As this is the last newsletter for this term, I would like to wish you a peaceful winter break with your family. School resumes on Tuesday 18 July.
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Lutheran Legends Award
Congratulations to the students that received Lutheran Legends Awards at last Friday’s assembly
Values Focus
I used to love putting together compilation cassettes and cds, (if you can remember what they were) carefully selecting songs that went together to create a mood, or express a feeling, or fit a particular purpose. If I was driving the mix would sound very different to if I was walking, or if I was going to sleep. I still enjoy putting soundtracks together, and as my kids have grown I’ve created a few for them too, songs to go to sleep to, songs to wake up to, songs that are happy, songs for dancing and, let’s not forget songs for in the car that don’t drive mum and dad bananas.
What songs do your households have in your playlists? Do you have songs you go to when you’re sad or happy or celebrating, or when you go on road trips?
Over the last few weeks at chapel we’ve been thinking about prayer and reading through some Psalms. The book of Psalms is a playlist of songs, poetry and prayers shared by a community for over two thousand years, carefully selected and played on repeat so the community knew them by heart. The people would head to these poems when they were grieving or celebrating, when they were alone or in community, much like the playlists I create now, (though none of my songs are over two thousand years old).
In chapel this week we read together Psalm 8, a Psalm that speaks of how God’s dream for the world is carried out through the lives, words and works of children. Sometimes we may find ourselves looking at the stars and thinking “what am I when compared to the universe? I’m only one person.” Psalm 8 is a song that reminds us of our worth and purpose, that we were created to be God’s people of love and light.
Perhaps this holiday period you might find time to read some psalms and put together a sample of your favorites, spend some time reading them together as a family, if you’re not keen to read through them, perhaps you could create a youtube playlist of some songs inspired by psalms?
And, if you are road tripping this holiday feel free to have your kids send me a playlist of their favourite road tripping songs, and we look forward to seeing you next term.
Darren Wright
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Curriculum Matters
Lutheran School Wagga Wagga will again be participating in the ICAS competitions this year. ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, and Digital Technologies. We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The competition is open to students from Years 2 to 6. Learn more by visiting
Gavin Richards
3-6 Coordinator
Blank Section
From The Sports Desk
On Thursday 8 June, the RAS Cross Country team travelled to Sydney for the NSWCIS Cross Country Championships. There were over 800 students from 265 Combined Independent Schools (CIS) participating at this event. Our students performed very well, with many achieving personal best (PB) placings and times. Our highest placed competitors were Rosie Molineux and Isabelle Rodney. Rosie placed 10th and Isabelle placed 18th in their respective events.
‘Everyone did very well, it was a fun day’ Rosie Molineux
‘My highlight was competing on a new course. It was tougher than last year’s course’ Isabelle Rodney
All students are to be congratulated on their 2023 Cross Country achievements. A big thank you to our parents for supporting the students and assisting on the day.
NSWCIS Rugby Union Trials
On Wednesday 14 June, Ben Bull, Oliver McEachern and Max Pilkington travelled to Sydney for the NSW Combined Independent Schools Rugby Union trials. There were 130 boys from across the state trying out for 22 positions. The boys were given the opportunity to showcase their skills in round robin games. Although Ben, Oliver and Max were not selected in the final squad, they enjoyed the experience, had fun and made new friends.
Ben Bull – ‘It was lots of fun. I learnt new skills and enjoyed the experience’
Oliver McEachern – ‘I enjoyed playing five-eighth with some of the best rugby players in NSW’
Max Pilkington – ‘I enjoyed playing winger, tackling and running with the ball. It was a great experience’.
Thank you to Matt Bull, Anna McEachern and Christina Pilkington for transporting and supporting the boys at this event.
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.