Term 4, Week 5
Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Acting Principal
School Captain’s speeches
Today we listened to speeches from our 2024 nominations for school captain. Congratulations to all students for their speeches to the school. Students will be informed of the results on Thursday afternoon and the new captains for 2024 will be presented to the school in our week 8 assembly on Friday 1 December.
Road safety concerns on Tamar Drive
This week I met with the School Crossing Supervisor who patrols Tamar Drive before and after school. He reported to me there has been a gradual deterioration in parents/guardians following the Road Traffic Regulations. Specifically, motorists are now queuing inside the red and crossing zone. As a result of this it is making the School Crossing Supervisor’s role very challenging and is compromising the safety of our students when they cross the road. Can I please ask all of our parents/guardians involved in dropping off and picking children that they follow the Road Traffic Regulations. Your anticipated cooperation with this matter will be appreciated.
Christmas Concert cancelled
This is to let all parents the Christmas Concert has been cancelled for this year. We are planning for our students to sing some Christmas carols as part of our end of term Chapel service. There will be further details to follow in the next few weeks.
Class Placements for 2024
Please be aware the teachers are now preparing class lists for 2024. If there is any information about your child that you think would be helpful in this process can you please let me know by Friday 17 November. Please do not request specific teachers but information that be aware the teachers take a lot of time considering the appropriate placement for all of the students. Once the class lists are finalised, these will be communicated to parents towards the end of term or the first week of the school holidays.
Dylan Evans
Acting Principal
From The ACTING DEPUTY Principal
Term 4 busy has officially set in with lots of end of year opportunities and experiences happening for our students. Please keep a close eye on Seesaw and newsletter communications to stay up to date with what is happening for your children as we race towards end of year.
Kinder Transition – Buddy Meetings
This week our Kindergarten 2024 students came and spent a longer session at school, part of which included a meeting with their Team 6 Buddy for 2024 (current Year 5 students). Our Buddy program is a positive leadership for our Team 6 students where they present as a friend, positive role model and guide to our incoming Kinder students. Our current Year 5 students are to be congratulated on their outstanding display of school values, leadership and care as they met their Buddy for 2024 this past Monday.
Team 6 Street Stalls
On Tuesday 31st of October, Team 6 held their street stalls for the rest of the school. The students have been studying Australia’s relationship with South-East Asia and how we can assist those countries in need as well as how we can serve others in our Chistian Studies unit. As part of the unit, students created their own Street Stall. All money raised from these stalls have been donated to an individual from South-East Asia though the charity organisation KIVA. We raised $1300. A big thank you to all of the parents who helped with the preparation of the street stalls and the school community for your generosity.
Carpark Safety
A reminder to parents and carers that the quick pick-up area is outside the Kindergarten classrooms. The main car park near the office is not a quick pick-up area. If you choose to collect your child from the main car park you must park, exit your car and collect your child from outside the resource centre. Students should not be waiting along the walkway for cars to pick-up behind where the school shuttle parks. This area is not supervised for quick pick up. Cars banking up through this area also prevents our buses from being able to round the pick-up circle and get to the bus stop. We appreciate your support in keeping our students safe as they go home in the afternoons.
Today we congratulate all of the Year 5 students who are candidates for School Captain and Vice Captain for 2024. They are to be commended for their efforts in writing and delivering their speeches in front of the school today. It is wonderful to see our emerging leaders step up and demonstrate their potential as great leaders.
Lauren Forsyth
Acting Deputy Principal
Values Focus
What makes a good leader?
This week in Chapel we heard the story of Samuel anointing David, God had made the decision that Saul’s time as king https://bibleproject.com/articles/saul-tale-self-deception/was coming to an end and a new King was to be called.
God sends Samuel out to anoint the new king, but first he needed to find him. As instructed Samuel meets Jesse, and Jesse introduces Samuel to all his sons, the strong, the athletic, the confident… but none were appropriate. With each son God said that they weren’t right, that God could see their heart. The rejections continue until Jesse runs out of sons, well, there is one more son… the youngest… who is out shepherding… his name is David.
The story tells us God looks into David’s heart and Samuel anoints David as the future king of Israel. https://bibleproject.com/articles/david-whats-big-deal/
This week we heard the speeches of students who have made themselves available as School Captains and the school has voted. Throughout this process each of us are really asked to think about what makes a good leader.
Unlike Samuel we don’t have God telling us which student to choose, though every single candidate is an amazing young person. No matter who is chosen we as a school will keep all the candidates in our prayers as every one of them are leaders in our school community.
Darren Wright
Blank Section
P&F News
P&F Meeting and AGM
Our P&F will meet on Tuesday 28 November at 7:00pm at Kooringal Pub.
The AGM will be held together with a general meeting. The Executive positions of Vice Chairperson and Board member are open for election.
If you are interested in taking on a position, please contact Sally Ward (Secretary) phone 0418 131 934 or email [email protected]
Topics for discussion at the general meeting include fundraising/social events for 2024. Come along to give your comments and suggestions.
From The Sports Desk
NSW PSSA Athletics Championships
On Tuesday 24 October Jordan Tracey and Ryan Jose travelled to Sydney Olympic Park for the NSW PSSA Athletics Championships. Students from NSW Independent, Catholic and Public Schools were represented at this two-day event.
Jordan was competing in the Junior Boys Discus and Ryan was competing in the 11 Years Boys 100m, 200m, Long Jump and High Jump.
Jordan and Ryan performed extremely well at these Championships, placing in the top 10 in all events.
Jordan placed 4th in the discus, with a new PB of 33.03m.
Ryan won bronze in the 200m, placed 7th in long jump, 9th in the 100m and 10th in high jump. Ryan will represent NSW in the 11 Years Boys 200m at the National Track and Field Championships in Tasmania, November 23 to 27. This is the second consecutive year Ryan has qualified for this event.
A big thank you to Carly Tracey, Agnes and Richard Jose for transporting and supporting the boys at this event. We congratulate both boys and wish Ryan all the best at the Nationals.
‘I really enjoyed meeting up with old and new friends. I would like to thank my brother Lachlan for giving me tips and my parents for taking me to training’. Jordan Tracey
‘Everyone was very friendly and supportive. I did my best and was very grateful for the opportunity. I am looking forward to competing at the Nationals. Ryan Jose.
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
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Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.
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