Term 1, Week 6

Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Strategic Planning 2025
Strategic plans articulate a shared vision, mission and values and can define how success is measured. A strategic plan keeps everyone informed and connected in a school with shared goals and focus areas. They help with decision making and innovation and direct back to a school’s number one priority: students.
Earlier this week an email was sent to all families explaining about an upcoming survey that all families will receive. The results from this ‘Navigate’ survey will help us to develop and shape a new strategic plan for our school. I encourage you to complete this survey and take the opportunity to contribute to the focus areas and goals for our wonderful school.
The key stakeholders who will participate in this survey are parents, staff, school board and Year 6 students.
The survey will open on Monday 17th March and close on Friday 28th March.
There is also an opportunity for a small group of parents to meet on Thursday 3rd April from 2:30-3:30pm. This will be led by Shane Paterson from Lutheran Education Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania (LEVNT) and will narrow in on content from the survey. Please click on the link to RSVP whether you’re available or not as this will provide feedback for setting times for future sessions.
Thank you in advance for your participation to help continue to shape the story of our school.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Hollie Kinning
From The DEPUTY Principal
Shrove Tuesday
This year we again welcomed members from the Bethlehem Lutheran Church who cooked pancakes with Chaplain Darren for all of our students on Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day). Pancake Day is the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, a period where people give things, such as sweet treats, up or do additional duties/volunteer work. Shrove Tuesday is often seen as the last opportunity to consume these treats and use up what’s in your cupboard. It’s also therefore popularly known as Pancake Day. We thank members of the congregation for volunteering on the day.
Kinder NRMA Bus Excursion
On Tuesday, Kindergarten students welcomed Geoff from Busabout, Bree from NRMA and Jana from Wagga Police who spoke with our students about how to ride a bus safely, and who trusted adults are. They were also lucky enough to take a Bus ride to put their new learning into practise.
SRC Happenings
Last week our Student Representative Council members met for the first time this year and have already planned for our first event;
On Friday 21st March Lutheran School will be celebrating both Harmony Day and National Ride2School Day.
The SRC would like to encourage as many students as possible to ride their bike to school and leave their bike/scooter in the bike rack area. Students can also walk, scoot or skate to school on this day. The SRC reps will complete a survey of their class to see who came to school in which way and hand out stickers to the participants.
Harmony Day celebrates inclusiveness, respect, and belonging. To show our support for our diverse community, students and staff are invited to wear a touch of orange.
We’re also collecting donations for ALWS Walk My Way (on Saturday, 22nd March in Albury/Bonegilla), which helps refugee children access education. K-Y2 are asked to bring a gold coin donation, while Y3-6 are asked to donate silver coins equal to a gold coin.
Every contribution helps to make a difference—thank you for your support!
Year 6 Jindera Leadership Day by Year 6 students
On the 28th of February, Team 6 travelled to St Johns Jindera Primary School for a leadership day. At the leadership day, we learnt about the four S’s of leadership, Spiritual, Servant Leadership, Support and Significant Qualities.
We were organized into groups of six and mixed with students from St Johns and Victory. We worked together to complete activities with help from our host, Emma Graetz from Lutheran Education, Australia.
We were treated to a sausage sizzle and some watermelon at lunchtime.
For Spiritual activity, we learnt how we can be walking crosses. We can show love and be like Jesus our saviour. For Servant Leadership, we watched a short 30 second video about an anteater and ants. It showed us that we are stronger when we work together and can still contribute even if you are not a leader. For Significant Qualities, we outlined a person in our group and filled the inside of the person with characteristics a leader should have, and the outside with people we look up to. Since the drive from Jindera to Wagga is quite a distance, we only started the fourth S, Support, we did not get to finish it. For Support we watched an OK GO, music video and learnt that even if things go wrong persevere and work through it and with the help of others you can do anything.
In conclusion, we had a wonderful day at Jindera and wish we could do it again.
🔸 No Glass Containers – To keep our students safe, please ensure lunch containers and water bottles are not made from glass. There have been a few incidents recently, and we want to avoid any risk of breakage.
🔸 Check Your Emails – To ensure you don’t miss important school updates, please add our school email domain (@lpsww.nsw.edu.au) to your safe senders list. This helps prevent messages from going to junk or spam.
🔸 Join/Re-join Parent Facebook Groups – Stay connected with your child’s year level parent group by joining (or re-joining) the appropriate Parent Facebook Group for your child’s year level. Please remember to answer the security questions to receive access. Please use the links below:
Year 6 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/19z94kcPht/
Year 5 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/18kWuTR438/
Year 4 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/18bUDMJCHA/
Year 3 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1A7uSqK4WY/
Year 2 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/19sPUD554j/
Year 1 https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1AA7dAWG1d/JD3Juquv/
Kindergarten https://www.facebook.com/share/g/12FJD3Juquv/
Emma Davenport
Deputy Principal
Values Focus
In Chapel this term we’ve heard bible stories of people who have shown bravery and courage, more recently we have heard the stories of Deborah, Rahab and Miriam. These stories remind us that God uses girls and boys to do great things, and that God often calls surprising people (even us!) to teach, lead, love and change the world.
More than that, the stories invite us to imagine what our world might look like if we lived lives of wisdom, grit, grace, courage, faith and hope, inspiring us to do great things for God.
Perhaps this term you might be able to start a conversation in your household about how you can live lives that show bravery and courage in your home, neighbourhood and at school.
Darren Wright
Curriculum Matters
Students in Years 3 and 5 have started their NAPLAN journey. All students involved are well prepared and are feeling confident about the process. Thank you to the Year 3 and Year 5 teachers who have prepared our students so well so that they are feeling confident heading into the final three tests. The dates for each test are listed below.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Last week all students received their login details for the 2025 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Please be aware that all passwords are new this year due to an update with the Premier’s Reading Challenge site. If there are any problems logging on, please contact your child’s teacher and we will follow it up. We are looking forward to another great year of reading success.
Learning Links
Please refer to the following flyer regarding some upcoming free parent webinars which may be of interest.
Jane Antrim
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
P&F News
P&F had its first meeting on Tuesday, 18th February at which we introduced the new Executive Committee, installed our new Secretary, Kristin Browning, and welcomed new and returning P&F members.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 25 March at 7pm in the staff room.
We would love to see as many parents and carers as possible. If you cannot attend in person, please feel free to join in via zoom
Jodie Graham
P&F President
From The Sports Desk
Combined Wagga Diocesan-RAS Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday 5 March our Swimming Team competed at the Combined Wagga Diocesan–RAS Swimming Carnival. There were over 400 students from Riverina Catholic and Independent Schools swimming at this event.
Our team performed extremely well, placing second overall. Congratulations to Joel Thompson, Kingsley Cheung, Liam Bruce and Harry Antrim who placed second and third in their respective age groups. Congratulations to the students who recorded personal best times and those who qualified for the CIS Swimming Championships in Sydney.
A big thank you to the staff who assisted on the day, Jane Antrim, Emma Davenport and Tristan Brown. Thank you also to the Wagga Wagga Swim Club Officials, Catholic Diocesan of Wagga, DIO-RAS Team Managers and the Oasis for ensuring this event ran smoothly. Your support was greatly appreciated.
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator & Swimming Carnival Co-Convenor
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.