

Term 3, Week 4


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Please help us with safety and student independence

In this week’s video, we encourage our young scholars to practice getting in and our of the car by themselves, especially during after-school pick-up. As parents, you can help in this process.

  1. Think about the best way to get the bag in the car first. Should they take it off before entering? Can they first put it in the front seat? In the boot? What will work best?
  2. Consider the placement of car seats. How can you arrange them so that your child can easily get in from the footpath side?
  3. Practise at home. How quickly can they get in the car with their bag and buckled up.

It seems like a little thing, but the practice of getting into a car by themselves increases independence and confidence.

Consider student safety. The more we can avoid opening doors into traffic, the safer and more efficient we become. Thanks so much for your help!

Contemporary Learning in Action

Think back to your experience at school. How did you learn economics? Division with decimals? If your classes were like mine, you listened to a lecture, did some reading then answered some written questions. You hoped you had the answers the teacher was looking for. What if your economics and maths classes connected with your heart?

Imagine your teachers gave you the opportunity to start your own business with a $20 micro-loan. To get the loan, you needed to ‘pitch’ your business idea to a “Shark Tank” comprising the Principal, School Business Manager and others in school leadership?

So far this term, Year 6 students have been preparing to pitch a business idea. They have designed products, surveyed potential customers (authentic market research), calculated product costs (lots of dividing with decimals and converting measurements!), created various iterations of their products, determined a price points and estimated profits (economics). Then, they created a presentation that resulted in the school providing them $20 micro loans.

Final products will be developed and sold at school later this term. You will also have a chance to purchase them on Saturday, 16 October at our Strategic Plan launch. Mark your calendars!

Profits made will go to Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS), a non-profit organisation that, amongst other things, helps provide micro-loans to small businesses in communities worldwide that face challenges with food security, recovery from natural disasters and human injustices. Below is a video of thanks for donations from past years.

Contemporary learning not only connects school subject matter in a meaningful way, it connects to the heart. Through the business experience, students make a real difference in the real world. 

Janet Moeller

Principal Imagine

Mark your calendars

Mufti Day
Friday, 27 August

“A Place to Grow” family fun day
Saturday, 16 October


From The DEPUTY Principal

Last week I shared with you the eSafety government website, a useful resource to view when your child/children are using the internet.

This week, I include a link to a useful guide to assist in coming to an agreement with your child/children around some basic rules about online use. They address three key strategies:

  1. Be engaged, open and honest
  2. Set some rules
  3. Use the available technology

Please refer to this link for further information, it is a really useful read.

Online safety basics

School Representative Council (SRC) News

The SRC reps met this week and discussed a range of issues. The mufti theme for our mufti day will be dressing up as a Movie star, Disney character, Super hero etc. A reminder that the mufti day will be on Friday, 27 August.

Pick-up arrangements at the end of the day

Please take time to watch and listen to the message from our SRC reps regarding pick-up arrangements outside Kindergarten at the end of the day. I would be most grateful if parents remain in their cars when picking up their children.

Assembly arrangements

A reminder that due to COVID restrictions parents are unable to attend assemblies. You will be able to watch the assembly via a link that will be sent to you later this week. Our assembly will take place this week at 2.40pm.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Principal's Award

Firstname Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 

Values Focus

Seasons for Growth Expressions of Interest

Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage in our lives. At Lutheran School, we recognise that when changes occur in families through bereavement, relationship break down, relocation or other related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectively. To assist families and to support our students through these circumstances, we are offering a very successful education program called “Seasons for Growth”. This program is facilitated in small groups and is based on research that highlights the importance of social support and the need to practise new skills in order to cope effectively with change and loss. The program focuses on issues such as self-esteem, managing feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and support networks.

Seasons for Growth runs for eight weeks and each weekly session is 40-45 minutes. The program concludes with a ‘Celebration’ session. Later in the year, each group will have the opportunity to meet for two further sessions to build on their earlier learning.

Our next Seasons for Growth program will commence during Week 7 of Term 3 2021 and we are inviting parents to express their interest or to nominate their children if they would like them to participate. Please note, places are limited.

Contact Chaplain Mick if you would like your child/children to participate or if you would like more information – [email protected] or via the school office


Curriculum Matters

ICAS 2021

Next Tuesday, some of our 3-6 students will be sitting their first ICAS exam – Digital Technologies.

Students who have signed up to participate will today bring home a practice exam. Completion of this practice exam is voluntary; however, it gives students (and parents) some insight to the types of questions  the students will encounter in the online exams. The Year Five and Six students will sit the exam at 10:00am and the Year Three and Four students will sit theirs at 11:50am.

The ICAS Writing exam has been postponed until mid-October. All other exams will proceed as first scheduled (August/ September).

Week 5 Tuesday – Digital Technologies

Week 6 Tuesday – English

Week 7 Tuesday – Spelling

               Thursday – Science

Week 8 Thursday – Mathematics

Tournament of Minds

Our TOM teams are hard at work planning storyboards, developing character arcs, composing scripts, completing presentation forms…using ‘soft skills’ to collaborate, negotiate and prioritise tasks.

Our teams for 2021.


Clara, Noah, Quinny, Daniel, Sophia, Seb and Maisie

The Seven@TOM kids 

Emmanuel, Sophie, Jessica, Charlie, Eloise, Youlita, Sam

The Seven Amigos 

Harry, Kavin, Caitlin, Demi, Lucy, Jack, Kylie

The Fast and the Curious

 Will, Chloe, Eliza, David, Caspar, Nikita, Austin


Karri von Mengersen
Curriculum Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk


This week the children will be making spin tops and masks.  We will also be playing a number of games in the chapel. 

The cooking activity chosen for this week is cheese scrolls or bacon and cheese scrolls. 

The children have been very interested in the Olympics with many choosing to watch the sports in the chapel or discuss how many gold, silver and bronze medals our Australian athletes are winning.

Parents/carers, please keep an eye on your emails as the Vacation Care program for the Spring school holidays will be coming out soon. Lots of fantastic activities are being planned. 


Rebecca Cameron
OSHC Coordinator


Awards and Achievements

Class or Achievement Name

Class or Achievement Name

Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 

Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 

Other Information


Lowes Menswear // Shop Online & instore

20% off Schoolwear / August 5th & 6th / Zero & Rewards Members / Shop online & instore

20% off Schoolwear / August 5th & 6th / Zero & Rewards Members / Shop online & instore



Lost Property

Please check lost property in the school office for misplaced items. Unclaimed items of clothing will be donated to the school’s second hand Uniform Shop.

Please label your child’s items. This practice helps us to return your child’s clothing, etc. Thank you.


Orders are accepted via the e-form purchase request on the school app, or by phone call/text message to Tegan Peel 

0401 665 640

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