


Term 3, Week 5


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Restorative Justice and Positive Parenting.

The article below was written by Rebecca Eanes of Creative Child. It is included in this newsletter with permission as part of our subscription with School.tv. As I read this article, I was struck by the alignment of philosophies between Restorative Practices and Positive Parenting. While, on the surface, they may seem like ‘soft’ approaches, they are powerful tools to promote children’s resilience and problem-solving in the future.


When I was first learning about positive parenting, I admit that I was confused. If I didn’t punish poor behaviour, wasn’t I being permissive? How would my kid learn what was acceptable and what wasn’t if there were no “consequences?”

I loved the idea behind the philosophy – raising my sons in a positive, loving environment where we focused on building trust and strong relationships. It sounded great on paper, but I didn’t understand how to actually put it into practice. I didn’t know what to do when my kid misbehaved.

Behaviour as Teachable Moments


My shift came when I finally understood that behaviour was communication – and wrongful behaviour was a cry for help from my child. That’s when positive parenting clicked for me. Before I discovered positive parenting, I was constantly asking “which consequence fits this behaviour?” or “how long should I punish him for this?” Now, when a problem arises, I ask “What is this behaviour telling me and what does my son need?”

That is a huge shift! I stopped seeing my son’s “misbehaviour” as a punishable moment and started seeing it as a teachable moment. The reason I put misbehaviour in quotation marks is that it’s a mere judgment, and part of my shift was that I really made an effort to stop judging my children based on fleeting actions driven by strong emotions and an underdeveloped brain. For example, what I had misjudged as defiance from my three year old turned out to be emotional pain. He was dealing with a new baby brother, loss of time with mommy, and a confusing new role as “the big boy” even though he was still so very little. Looking past the behaviour and seeing the hurt driving it stopped time-outs, behaviour charts, and other behaviour management systems in their tracks and helped me understand what I had to do to heal the hurt, which was empathise, reconnect, and reassure.

Viewing behaviour as teachable moments helps you shift away from using punishments that miss the mark because they don’t deal with the underlying emotions or thoughts driving the behaviour. This also helps you avoid permissiveness because you are still focused on fixing the problem. You aren’t just waving it off as something your child can’t control. By using it as a teachable moment, you’re automatically focused on the word “teachable,” and that’s where the positive parenting magic is! It’s really about teaching what’s right and acceptable instead of punishing what’s wrong. It’s about empowering your child with tools and skills to really do better, not just to stuff those feelings down or hide his behaviour from you.

To turn behaviour issues into teachable moments, ask yourself two questions:

  • What is my child’s behaviour telling me?
  • What does my child need right now?

Behaviour as Teachable Moments

It isn’t always immediately apparent what is driving your child’s behaviour, so a good place to start to determine if your child’s basic needs are being met. Those needs include:

  • Safety and security
  • A warm, loving environment
  • Feeling loved and liked
  • Feeling attached or connected to primary caregivers
  • Structure
  • Consistency
  • Good nutrition
  • Adequate sleep
  • Exercise
  • Positive role models
  • Feeling valued, respected, and understood
  • Feeling capable
  • Freedom to express feelings
  • Emotional support

Finally, what is it that your child needs right now? What can you teach her or what need can you meet that will help her do better? We are here to teach and guide our children through childhood, and we become better able to do that when we ask the questions that get to the root of the problem rather than simply asking, “How long should I take away your electronics?” The key to good behaviour isn’t fearing good punishments but feeling good about oneself, one’s relationships, and one’s place in the world.

Rebecca is a bestselling author and founder of positive-parents.org


We want to hear your voice! 

It’s the time of year when we seek your feedback on how we are doing as a school. Please follow the link and help us know what we are doing well and what you’d like to see in the future: https://www.questionpro.com/t/ASjYaZneco


Celebrating the Wonder of Maths

MATRIX invites you to free online screenings of the following documentaries that celebrate the wonders of the mathematical sciences:

Math Circles Around The World Book Now
Mon 16 August, 16.30 AEST

Target audience: school-age children and young adults (primary, secondary, tertiary students), teachers and parents/guardians. The general public may also find the film very interesting.

Secrets of The Surface – The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani Book Now
Mon 16 August, 19.30 AEST

Colors of Math Book Now
Tue 17 August 19.30 AEST

The Discrete Charm of Geometry Book Now
Wed 18 August 19.30 AEST

Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

Annual Parent Feedback survey: Please complete by 15 August


Team 6 Family Get Together
Friday, 27 August

Mufti Day

Friday, 27 August

“A Place to Grow” family fun day
Saturday, 23 October


From The DEPUTY Principal

Good habits start young
Helping children to develop digital intelligence

To continue the discussion on the use of the internet with our students, this week’s reading talks about how you can give your child the social, emotional and practical skills needed to successfully navigate the digital world.

To build digital intelligence there are a number of explicit skills you can support your child with:-

  1. Promote respectful communication
  2. Encourage empathy
  3. Teach your child to question what they see online
  4. Encourage safe and responsible behaviour
  5. Help them to build resilience by having regular discussions about negative online experiences

To read the article in full please refer to the link below. As I have mentioned in previous newsletters the eSafety site is an excellent resource for parents and students.


School Representative Council (SRC) News

The SRC rep’s met this week and looked at a range of new hats for next year. After much discussion and testing out of the hat samples they voted for a new style of hat for 2022.

Ben is modelling the new hat. Have a listen to the short video explaining why this hat was chosen.

End of the day pickup

Thank you to the parents who have who have responded to our request to stay in their cars at pickup at the end of the day. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated in helping to reduce traffic congestion on Tamar Drive.

Principal Awards

Congratulations to the students who received their Principal Award at last Friday’s assembly.

Year 5 Tree Planting

On Tuesday, Year 5 were involved in the Schools’ National Tree Planting. We were blessed with sunny weather as we planted many native trees, shrubs and grasses. We would like to thank Wagga Wagga City Council for providing us with the seedlings and also Mr Peck for taking care of the seedlings and  preparing the holes for us.

We are excited to watch our plants grow.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Principal's Award

Congratulation to the following students who received their Principal's Award at Assembly on Friday, 6 August 2021

Addison R (KM), Abel P (2K), Aadith B (2K), Diego S (2D), Alfia J (5R), Joe B (5R), Charlie R (6E), Demianna T (6E), Lucy H (6R), Summer W (6R)

Values Focus

Seasons for Growth

As we noted in last week’s newsletter we will be running “Seasons for Growth” grief and loss sessions for students starting in Week 7 this term. 

If you are interested in having your child participate or would like some more information please contact Chaplain Mick via the school office.

Care Giving Program

This week we have provided meal relief to one family, grocery support to another, and have had the opportunity to bring comfort to another. This is all due to the generous support we receive from our brilliant school community. While in the past we have kept a supply of homemade meals in our foodbank, we are currently limited to store bought pre-made meals and gift cards. If you would like to make a contribution to our Care Giving Program, whether financial, gift cards, or store bought meals, please drop them into the school office. 

2 Corinthians 9:8 tells us, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 

It is a privilege to be part of God’s blessing in another person’s life.


Chaplain Mick

Curriculum Matters

NAPLAN - School Readiness Test

The school readiness test is for schools transitioning to NAPLAN Online in 2022 and is designed to check a school’s readiness to conduct NAPLAN Online.

The school readiness test will be available for schools to schedule at their convenience between 16 August and 17 September 2021.

The readiness test consists of two 40-minute assessments: an omnibus test with reading, conventions of language and numeracy items, and a writing task. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the school readiness test. Year 3 students do not participate in the writing assessment.

Our school will be undertaking these tests on Monday, 30 September. The tests will take place in your child’s classroom. The main function of these tests is to check the functionality of our digital capabilities.

While the students will sit the texts under exam conditions, there will be no feedback on student performance.

Next year, there will be an opportunity for our 2022 Year 3 & 5 students to practise using the platform before they undertake the online exams.

Our class teachers will reassure students about the purpose of this readiness test in the coming weeks. Specifically, they will share with students that their responses will not be marked nor will there be a student report.

Karri von Mengersen
Curriculum Coordinator

Blank Section


Book Fair is coming...........

As part of our celebration of CBCA Book Week, we will be holding our Book Fair. This is a great opportunity to purchase quality books (Christmas is coming), while supporting the Library in a valuable fundraising event. We are sent a selection of books from Scholastic Book stores of varying genres for students to select from.

This year will again be a little different from previous years.

  • Only students will be able to enter the Book Fair
  • There will be no cash sales
  • Scholastic Book Fair books will be available for online sales only

Week 6 (16-20 August)

Students will be able to browse the Book Fair. They will make a wish list and bring home the list for parents to peruse. 

Parents will use the list, and go to the Book Fair section (not to the Book Club section) to pay online at  http://parentpayments.scholastic.com.au/

Please record your receipt number, which we will use to claim your payment.

Week 7 (23 – 27 August)

Students will still need to come to the Library to order their books. They can do so before school from 8:30am or during recess. Students will need to bring their Wish List, with the receipt number recorded and the titles of the books they wish to purchase.  

There are always some books that are more popular than others and run out quickly. These books will be ordered for you and will be sent home when they arrive, usually within two weeks.

A flier will be sent home with more details about the Book Fair next week.

Please contact me with any questions.

Kris Bormann

Resource Centre Manager


Over this week the children will be decorating with sand art, making cup warmers, baking some rainbow cookies and expressing themselves with painting.

Hockey has become very popular this week and we would like to thank Wagga Wagga Hockey Cub for donating some hockey sticks. 

The puzzles and board games have become very popular during the Before School program and as always, dancing to music in the Chapel. Enjoying the beautiful weather outside has been a highlight of the week. 

For parents of Lutheran School students, the Spring Vacation Care program is now available and is full of amazing activities including a jumping castle on the oval, a trivia day, and an excursion to Nagel Street Indoor Sport Centre. 

You are now able to start booking in for the next school holidays through the My Family Lounge App. If you would like a copy of the program or you are a new family to OSHC and would like to enrol, please don’t hesitate to email OSHC at [email protected]


Awards and Achievements

Class or Achievement Name

Class or Achievement Name

Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

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Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 

Other Information

Lost Property

Please check lost property in the school office for misplaced items. Unclaimed items of clothing will be donated to the school’s second hand Uniform Shop.

Please label your child’s items. This practice helps us to return your child’s clothing, etc. Thank you.


Orders are accepted via the e-form purchase request on the school app, or by phone call/text message to Tegan Peel 

0401 665 640

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