Term 1, Week 7
Coming up this week
Upcoming Events
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Lifelong qualities for learners
We often talk about wanting our children to be ‘lifelong learners’; yet we rarely stop to think about what that means. Lutheran School Wagga Wagga, like all Lutheran Schools in Australia is clear about its vision for learners. Not only do we want our young people to learn fractions and sentence structures and other academic ‘stuff’, we have a vision that extends beyond the academic. We define and teach attributes and non-academic abilities. In A vision for learners and learning, the LEA specifies that we want our students to contribute to communities by being “self-directed, insightful investigators and learners” and “open, responsive communicators and facilitators”.
Supporting our young people to be self-directed, communicators and facilitators
When you attend your child’s student-led conference in Week 10, you partner with us in helping students achieve these aims. The first few years, students were guided to take the lead in the conferences. This year, we are ‘bumping up’ the expectations by encouraging students to talk to you about a specific piece of work, explain what they have achieved in that work and identify specific skills they are working to improve.
Unlike general goal-setting, students will compare a piece of work alongside rubrics coming home. When we were in school, we did our assignments and waited for teacher feedback. In Contemporary Learning, students know in advance the score that they will receive for a piece of work. Instead of being ‘done’ with the work and waiting for the teacher to tell them if it is ‘good’ or ‘pleasing’ or ‘needing improvement’, students know while they are working how they can make their work even better. Students are guided to be self-directed. As they talk to you about their work, they improve in their communication skills and show you how they are directing their own learning.
When your child finishes the conference, please let the teacher know if there is anything you’d like to know about apart from the presentation. Teachers are happy to speak with you at a separate time to address any questions you feel uncomfortable raising in front of the child. In fact, you are free to set up a phone call or meeting with the teacher any time throughout any term – and we encourage you to do so.
We look forward hearing what the students articulate to you and their teachers in the conferences.
Janet Moeller
From The DEPUTY Principal
Chaplain Darren will be taking over coordinating our year-level Care Coordinators for the remainder of the year. In the next week Chaplain Darren will be contacting the care coordinators as a courtesy call to introduce himself.
Below is a list of parents who have volunteered their services to act as a Care Coordinator for this year. Many thanks to these people. We have nearly filled all the years. If you are interested in taking on the role can you please let your class teacher or Chaplain Darren know by emailing [email protected].
Care Coordinators 2023
Year Parents
Kindergarten Amanda Keyes and Zara Phillips
Y1 Jodie Graham and Brenna Sheather
Y2 Jenna Lamont, Amy Fowler and Britt Harris
Y3 ??
Y4 Sarah Mercer and Jodie Mitchell
Y5 Mel Hannaford, Naomi Gaynor and Cristina Pilkington
T6 Caitlin Whitlock and Liz Gooden
School Photos
Next Wednesday 22 March will be school photo day. Please ensure your child is dressed in full Summer uniform. Maybe our students in Y3-6 can make sure their shoes are clean and shiny for the photo! If you would like a sibling photo, the envelopes are available from the office.
Cyberbullying has become more of an issue over the last few years with students. Below are a number of signs to watch for as possible characteristics that a child could be experiencing cyberbullying.
Signs to watch for:
- being upset after using the internet or their mobile phone
- changes in personality, such as becoming more withdrawn, anxious, sad or angry
- appearing more lonely or distressed
- unexpected changes in friendship groups
- a decline in their school work
- changes in their sleep patterns
- avoidance of school or clubs
- a decline in their physical health
- becoming secretive about their online activities and mobile phone use
Below is a link from the eSafety Commissioner website giving practical advice and some video seminars about how to deal with cyberbullying. It is well worth a read.
Parent Volunteers /K-6 Cross Country
I will be running the next parent volunteer session in the library at 4pm on Monday 27 March. The K-6 cross country will take place on Wednesday 29 March and all parents volunteering will need to have completed the volunteer process to be involved in the morning. It has been great to have had so many parents complete this process this year so they can really involve themselves in the life of the school.
1. Complete the online module ‘Valuing Safe Communities’. Please follow this link:. http://VSC5_iLearn_notes_for_volunteer_training.pdf
The module will take around 25 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the module you will receive a certificate, please email this certificate to [email protected] .
2. Arrange a time to meet with the Deputy Principal who will talk to you about a number of routines and expectations when you are working with students.
Once you have completed this process your parent volunteer status will be valid for 3 years. This means, you are then able to assist in the classroom, sporting events and carnivals, excursions and overnight camps.
If these dates do not suit, please contact the office to arrange a mutually convenient time.
National Ride2School Day
Next Friday 24 March is National Ride2School day. We would encourage as many students as possible to ride their bike to school and leave their bike ion the bike rack area.
SRC News
11-year-old Nate Lawson lost his battle on 22nd May 2022 to a very rare disorder known as SIOD (Schimke Immuno Osseous Dysplasia). He was the very first child diagnosed with SIOD in Australia. He attended Sacred Heart Primary School in Wagga.
We have decided to raise money for the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital Children’s Ward as they took great care of Nate.
Our mufti day will be on Tuesday, the 4th of April. Nate loved superheroes so our mufti theme will be a superhero day. We encourage all students to make a gold coin donation for the Children’s Ward at Wagga Base Hospital.
We look forward to seeing lots of different superheroes.
Ben Bull and Pippen Cook
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Values Focus
I realised that I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Darren Wright and I’m the new Chaplain at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga. My role is specifically focused on providing pastoral support to students, staff and families and to lead and oversee worship activities at the school.
I’m originally from South Australia, being born and bred in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide; however, I have lived in Wagga Wagga for about 14 years, with a recent 4-year stint in the ACT. Our family moved back to Wagga Wagga in January 2022. I have a history of working in the areas of Youth and Children’s ministry, adult education and ministry support which has included some time in chaplaincy. My family includes myself, my wife, two kids (8 and 5) and two guinea pigs.
I’m currently enjoying familiarising myself with the school, its amazing staff and incredible students, it’s been a very fun time getting to know everyone.
I love storytelling which, if you find yourself joining us for worship on Monday mornings, you’ll see. Our Scriptures were told around campfires, at mealtimes, as children went to bed and at school. Over time these stories became written down and made a part of what we know as the Bible. Jesus was known as a storyteller, travelling and sharing stories of the Kingdom of God wherever he went. These stories would spark people’s imaginations and invite them to wonder about God and teach them to love each other.
I have a passion for sharing these stories, and creating a space for them to inspire us to live out the Kingdom of God here in Wagga. One way we do this at the school is to explore our values. This term’s value has been Love.
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been introducing the students to one of the parables of Jesus, the story we often call “The Good Samaritan.” It’s a story that has the power to invite us to look at our neighbours, our friends at school, our family and our teachers with an understanding that we’re each called to be people who show love – especially when it seems hard to do, or when we might be afraid to.
Parables are great stories to read together at home, They open up our imagination, they invite conversation and they are great ways to learn about what kind of things were important to Jesus. Perhaps you might want to read the story together as a household this fortnight, If you do, you can find the story here. Luke 10:25-37
Here are some questions for conversation at home:
What does this story teach us about being a good neighbour?
Choose a character in the story. What do you think that person looked like?
Can you think of someone at school who might need a friend? how can you be a good neighbour to your classmate?
I look forward to getting to know the school community better over the course of the year.
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Curriculum Matters
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week all students in Year 3 and Year 5 will be sitting the NAPLAN tests.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, and is the only nationwide assessment that all Australian children undertake.
The tests include Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy.
If your child is currently in Year 3 or Year 5 please ensure that they arrive at school on time. All students have prepared for and are familiar with the test platforms.
Thank you to Mrs Richards, Ms Virgona, Mrs Thompson and Mrs Whatmuff for all of the preparation, attention and care given to students.
You may have noticed that your children are using the language ‘Learning Intentions and Success Criteria’ after school or it may be present in your child’s work samples.
Learning Intentions are statements that describe what students should know, understand and be able to do by the end of a task.
Success criteria are linked to learning intentions and describe what success looks like. Teachers may create them before the lesson or collaborate with students to create statements.
Specifically, Learning Intentions and Success Criteria do the following:
- assist teachers to articulate the purpose of a learning task and make judgements about the quality of student learning
- help students to focus on the task or activity taking place, what they are learning and also self-reflect
- may be used for the whole class or be differentiated for individuals or smaller groups within the class.
- Allow for quick and timely feedback between the teacher and the students to demonstrate how students are progressing
Research suggests that teachers’ use of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria can improve student learning by more than 5 months over a year! The use of these classroom strategies help set us apart in terms of Academic Excellence. They also help students in their journey of becoming more self-directed learners (see Ms Moeller’s article above).
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
From The Sports Desk
Combined Wagga Diocesan-RAS Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday 8 March the Combined Wagga Diocesan–RAS Swimming Carnival was held at the Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre. There were over 400 students from local Catholic and Independent Schools competing at this event. Our Swimming Team performed very well, with many recording personal best times and placings.
Congratulations to Joel Thompson who placed second in the 8 Years Boys 50m Freestyle and our Junior Boys Relay Team; Tom Bull, Charlie Forsyth, Liam Bruce and Joel Thompson who placed third.
Thank you to Cindy English and Renee McLachlan for assisting on the day, Anthony Hood (Catholic Education Officer) and the Wagga Wagga Swimming Club Officials for ensuring the carnival ran smoothly. We wish the students who qualified for the NSWCIS Swimming Championships in Sydney next week all the best.
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Swimming Carnival Co-Convenor
Over the past few weeks OSHC has been doing some construction play in the chapel and various craft activities in the OSHC room. We have also been taking advantage of the wonderful weather by spending most of our physical activity time outside on the K-2 play equipment, in the OSHC garden and in the undercover area. We have had Just Dance in the chapel and by request had some rest and relaxation in the chapel.
We welcome Aaron back this week after the arrival of his beautiful daughter Evelyn. We also congratulate Nathan and Melanie on their wedding, which took place on Saturday 11th March.
I would like to take this opportunely to let you know that this Thursday 16th March will be my last day before I take leave to prepare for and welcome my baby. I will return next year in Term 2 but will come in for a visit before then with my new addition. During my time away, I leave you in the very capable hands of Melanie who will step into the Coordinator role with the support of our amazing team.
I wish you all a wonderful year and look forward to coming back to see how your children have grown.
Bec Cameron,
OSHC Coordinator
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.