Term 4, Week 2
Coming up this week
Thursday 20 October
NSW PSSA Athletics Championships
Friday 21 October
9:10am Chapel - Led by Year 1
Monday 24 October
1:00pm Team 6 NRL game development
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
New initiatives to support student wellbeing
In the video this week, you will hear Ms Hamblin talk about two things that will enhance student wellbeing in Term 4: A sensory room (yet to be named) and Year 4-6 Journals.
A sensory, calming space
As we teach students about emotional regulation, we acknowledge that there are times when we all benefit from a self-chosen ‘time out’. As adults, we can take a walk or go for a drive when we are feeling overwhelmed. Once students recognise they need calm, we now provide them a space where they can go. When they arrive, they are able to sink into a Kloudsac, they can put on eye covers and a weighted blanket if they choose. Soft music may play in the background. Students are supervised and encouraged to return to the classroom after a few minutes.
Year 4-6 Journals
In addition to discussions about emotional regulation, our Year 4-6 students are learning that their emotions are influenced by their thoughts. Learning about neuroplasticity, they understand that negative or worrisome thought patterns can be ‘rewired’ for better overall wellbeing.
Each Year 4 to Year 6 student will receive a Grow Your Mind journal from ThinkPlus.
Students will spend a few minutes each week learning about how their mind grows as their bodies grow and how they can build healthy, happy minds.
We’re excited to be introducing these initiatives as part of our overall wellbeing support for students and families.
Janet Moeller
Mark your calendars
Team 6 Street Stalls
Tuesday 25 October
NRMA Science and Road Safety day
Wednesday 26 October
Teddy Bears Picnic
Wednesday 26 October
From The DEPUTY Principal
- Creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive whole-school school climate
- Implementing high quality evidence-based wellbeing strategies or interventions
- Prioritising and supporting schoolwide education for students focusing on wellbeing and mental health e.g., social and emotional learning, help-seeking strategies
- Creating opportunities for authentic student voice and engagement
- Ensuring that school staff receive regular and ongoing professional learning related to student wellbeing and mental health
- Articulating clearly defined school processes that include identification of emerging signs and indicators, provision of support and regular monitoring
- Undertaking appropriate individual planning processes in collaboration with the school, student, parents/carers and external mental health professionals and practising transparent, timely and open reciprocal communication
- Having a dedicated team or individual at the school as a point of contact for students and their families
- Actively cultivate and encourage proactive parent partnerships
- Supporting staff wellbeing and mental health
- Ensuring ongoing evaluation and opportunities for feedback and improvement for student wellbeing and mental health initiatives and processes in the school.
This Friday I will be taking some of our Team 6 students to volunteer their time at the Christmas Market stalls at the Murrumbidgee Turf Club. Tasks will include collecting dishes, wiping down tables and providing refreshments for the stall holders. The aim of the day is to give these students an opportunity to be involved in an act of service while supporting a local community event. I am sure our Team 6 students will find the experience a beneficial one.
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Principal's Award
Congratulations to the students who received a Principal's Award at Assembly on Monday
Get ready for our Spring Fair!
Now is the time to step up and support your children and the school. We need you!
We know everyone is busy with different schedules so here are two options to support the upcoming Spring Fair. All you have to do is pick one.
Option 1: Donate 1/2 hour of your time to work on a stall during the Spring Fair (Saturday, 12 Nov from 10am-2pm). Enter your details here:
or get in touch with Jane Heller on 0429315801 if forms are not for you.
Option 2: If you can’t spare the time or won’t be in town that day, you can donate something to be included in the silent auction. Bring items for donation to the school office no later than Wednesday, 8 November 2022.
Need silent auction ideas?
- A massage or beauty voucher
- Vouchers for a restaurant or hotel.
- A smart watch.
- Toys.
- Donate something from your business (i.e. farmers donate a side of lamb, artists donate a painting, trainers donate some PT sessions). Options are endless.
Curriculum Matters
NRMA Science and Road Safety Program
On Wednesday 26th October the NRMA Science and Road Safety Program will visit our school. The program focusses on increasing the knowledge and skills of students, teachers and parents. The program is linked to the http://NSW K-6 PDHPE, English and Science Syllabi.
The road safety show combines science and theatre-based learning. It is comprehensive, with explicit teaching from Specialist science presenters, ‘Fizzics Education‘, so that students know how to stay safe.
9.10am Year 3 and Year 4
10.10am Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2
11.50am Year 5 and Year 6
Students are encouraged to bring in and wear their own safety helmet, if they own one. Please make sure that helmets are clearly labelled.
NAPLAN 2023 Dates
From next year, NAPLAN tests will be held in March each year. In 2023 the dates are 15-27 March. These tests are taken only by LSWW students in Years 3 and 5.
Round One of Mastermind started this week. There will be 4 rounds, then a semi final followed by the Grand Final in Week 7. Students in Years 2 to 6 have an opportunity to demonstrate their expertise in general knowledge. This is a fun competition for all students to enjoy.
Round 1 – Wednesday 19th October
Round 2 – Monday 24th October
Round 3 – Monday 31st October
Round 4 – Monday 7th November
Semi Final – Oral Round – Monday 14th November
Grand Final – Thursday 24th November – Parents Welcome
Only one week left before Taikoz visits our school for two performances. Taikoz is an Australian, Sydney-based performance group that specialises in the art of taiko – playing Japanese drums. They have been presenting school concerts for over 10 years and come to us on Friday 28 October, through Musica Viva. As an ensemble, they have toured nationally, collaborated extensively, performed internationally and won several awards. Visit their website for a detailed list of their achievements. https://www.taikoz.com/about
Last term, students started becoming familiar with pieces we expect them to perform and with the taiko instruments used.
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
This term we will be welcoming Ben from Little Champions on Thursday afternoons from 4.00-5.00pm to lead us in gymnastics skills and circus skills. Please wait till 5.00pm to collect your child if you want them to participate. There is no additional cost for this activity.
This week the children enjoyed time on the oval with ball games, hula hoops, bubbles and skipping ropes.
For craft this week we will be decorating headbands, assembling assorted wooden craft and sand art. We will also have Charlie Forsyth, our first winner of 3 OSHC awards, select the activity for OSHC and afternoon tea this Wednesday. We can’t wait to find out what we will be doing.
The OSHC awards are given out to students who have shown energy and demonstrated great effort while participating in after school activities.
We look forward to another wonderful week.
Rebecca Cameron
OSHC Coordinator
P&F News
How much do you love mangoes??? P&F are organising a Mango fundraiser. Order your trays of fresh Kensington Pride mangoes at $28 per tray. Each tray has between 14 and 23 mangoes and will be delivered to school by the end of term.
Orders must be placed by Monday 31st October and can be placed through the Flexischools lunch order app.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
P&F Committee
Other Information
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.