Term 4, Week 5

Coming up this week
Thursday 10th-Friday 11th November
Year 3 Borambola excursion
Friday 11th November
8:10am-8:55am Choir
Friday 11th November
9:10am Chapel led by Year 4
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Simplifying and Enhancing Communication
We have begun analysing Parent Survey responses. We will keep the survey open for a few more days so that you can add your input.
Importance of communication
If you’ve ever been the receiving end of a survey, you’ll know one thing can be very useful to some and not at all useful to others. Communication is an area we want to continually improve because parent partnerships are a critical part of our Mission Statement. Our current Strategic Plan highlights the need for continuous improvement. By 2024, we work to…
develop and implement a comprehensive plan for technology to ensure that the school is equipped to support student learning, run internal systems seamlessly, and efficiently provide clear communications both internally and externally
What you said in the survey
We can see that Seesaw, Year-level Facebook pages and individual meetings with the teachers are the most meaningful to you.
Comments suggested two things for us to continue thinking about:
- If we believe in student-led conferences, we need to find a way to ensure there is still time for parents and teachers to talk individually.
- The numerous forms of communication make it difficult to find previous communications. Streamlining would be helpful.
Streamlining Communications
We’ve been working behind the scenes this year so that communication can be more streamlined for you.
- Seesaw app allows for direct communication between you and the year level
- School app (now in Beta test) facilitates all schoolwide updates and communication
- live calendar
- reporting of absences
- pushout notifications when buses are running late, evacuation drills happen, newsletters are released, etc.
- access to end-of-semester reports
- shuttle times
- uniform shop
- canteen orders
The calendar items can be easily pushed/saved to your default family calendar.
If you’d like to join our app Beta test, please email [email protected]. We are excited to partner with you to further improve our home/school communication.
Janet Moeller
Mark your calendars
10am-2pm SPRING FAIR
Saturday 12th November
Todd Woodbridge Cup State final – Homebush
Monday 14th November
9:10am Assembly
Monday 14th November
2023 Kindergarten Orientation
Tuesday 15th November
From The DEPUTY Principal
Student Leadership 2023
Yesterday I spent some time in Year 5 asking the students their understanding of what makes a good student leader. It was an excellent conversation with Year 5, many of whom have clearly been giving this topic some thought. Ms Moeller and I will continue this conversation with them next week before the students start to nominate and then vote for their top 6 girl and boy students. Next week parents of Year 5 students will receive a letter from me providing more information and detail about the School Captain selection process. Best wishes to all students involved.
Congratulations to the 2023 Technology Leaders and Worship Leaders. These young leaders will begin working with our 2022 leaders so that they are ready to go when our next school year begins.
Worship leader: Charlotte
Charlotte will be working with Ms Moeller and Pastor Dave to run chapel services. She will also help with the reading of Scripture and the writing of prayers.
Technology leaders: Eloise, Cara and Kade
Our technology leaders will help support assemblies and chapels by creating and running presentations. They will assist teachers and younger students as necessary in classrooms.
Kindergarten Transition for 2023
I have been able to spend some time with our new Kindergarten students for 2023 over the last week. It is an exciting time for them and their families as they start their learning journey at Lutheran School. A special thanks to Mrs Forsyth and the Kindergarten teachers for their meticulous planning of this transition process. It is an important and worthwhile experience for our new Kindergarten students in 2023.
Spring Fair
I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Spring Fair on Saturday. It should be a good day for the Lutheran School community.
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
2022 Spring Fair - Saturday 12 November 10am - 2pm
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Vacation Care:
The Program for the Christmas and New Year school holidays is now available and many days are already booking out. If you would like to use OSHC these holidays please book in ASAP. Should you miss out on a space, please speak to Bec, Mel or Aaron at OSHC via email [email protected] or 69 238 124 and we will add you to the wait list.
This week at OSHC we have been doing Sticker By Numbers, creating with the much loved Magiclay and getting energetic with Little Champions in the chapel.
We have loved getting outside this week, handball has been very popular during before school care. The children have also been actively involved in role-play games, the most popular being ‘mums and dads’ and ‘shopkeepers’.
It has been great to see the children take what they observe in their everyday life and turn it into play.
Melanie Woodbury
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.