


Term 4, Week 4

Coming up this week



Thursday 3 November

Years 4/5 Puberty Workshop

Friday 4 November

9:10am Chapel lead by Kindergarten

Friday 4 November

Years 4/5 Puberty Workshop


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Communication and Mozzie updates

Just a note that, whether you are reading this from a computer or from a phone, you can easily access past newsletters. It’s a little less intuitive from a phone. See picture below.

Warding off mozzies

The standing water brings out the worst when it comes to mosquitoes. We want you to know what we can do at school and what you can do from home to limit bites.

As a school, we do not spray children with products. Most mozzie sprays contain DEET and we’re never certain about students’ reactions to oils. As parents, you are encouraged to spray your children prior to coming to school. You are also encouraged to equip your children with wrist bands, stickers or other items that will keep the mozzies away. Please do not send your child to school with bottles of spray, roll-ons or creams as these may affect students with asthma, allergies or other health conditions.

Teachers will keep classrooms ventilated in summer with open windows that have screens. Doors will be closed as much as possible. We will also take advice on the grounds based on the NSW health recommendations.

For more information, see the NSW government site about mosquitoes and health hazards.

Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

6:15pm Choir concert – Riverina Conservatorium of Music
Friday 4 November

Year 4 Excursion – Spark Renewables Solar Farm
Tuesday 8 November

Year 1 Excursion – Erin Earth
Tuesday 8 November

10am – 2pm Spring Fair
Saturday 12 November

From The DEPUTY Principal

Taiko is fun, yeah, play the Japanese drum!

Fun is exactly what last Friday’s Taikoz concerts were! The concerts were led by Ryuji, Haruka and Silvana, who were very entertaining. They played traditional Japanese taiko instruments and shared stories about the music and Japanese culture. LSWW students have become familiar with these instruments, and it was wonderful to experience them firsthand.

Our students easily recognised the pieces, ‘Of the Fields’ by Ian Cleworth and ‘Demon Drums’ by Anton Lock (both Australian born musicians/composers) and the more traditional Japanese pieces, ‘Sakura’ and ‘Yatai Bayashi’. The Taikoz team, very impressed with how knowledgeable and well prepared our students were, included taiko material not covered previously in their Riverina tour. Well done LSWW!

Two pieces were totally new to us. The first was a traditional song from Hachijo Island, a small volcanic island in the Philippine Sea, about 287kms south of the wider Tokyo district. The other piece was called, ‘Recollection,’ by Kerryn Joyce involved movements: moving like seaweed, drawing Mt Fuji and throwing a large beach ball.

Spring Fair – Volunteers needed

Our Spring Fair will take place on Saturday 12 November. It would be great if we can get as many volunteers as possible to help out on the day. If you are able to help out for at least an hour, please click on the link below.

We are looking forward to the event being a real community success, so please come along and support the day. Look out for a ‘Dunk the teacher video in the next few days’!



Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

2022 Spring Fair - Saturday 12 November 10am - 2pm



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Principal's Award

Congratulations to Arthur, Rosie, Maria, Jessica, Aksharaa and Jewel who received a Principal’s Award at Monday’s assembly.

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Curriculum Matters

Naplan 2023 Dates

From 2023, NAPLAN tests will be held in March each year. In 2023 the dates are 15-27 March. This is a lot earlier than in previous years. NAPLAN involves students in Years 3 and 5.


The Mastermind competitors have completed three rounds.
There is one round to go, then a semi-final followed by the Grand final in Week 7.

Thirty-three students from Years Two to Six have proved their general knowledge prowess and will take on the Round Four questions next Monday 7th. (My problem is trying to find questions hard enough to trick them!)

Here is a taste of some of the questions:

How many bones does a shark have?
What is the name of the smallest country (land size) in the world?
How does Alice get into Wonderland?
Which country first used paper money?

Monday 7th November: Round 4
Monday, 14 November: Semi Final – Oral Round 
Thursday, 24 November: Grand Final for Top 6 students – Parents Welcome!

NRMA Road Safety Day

Last Wednesday, Phoenix the Scientist from the NRMA came to visit our school. Phoenix presented an action-packed show that demonstrated how science and technology play an integral role in road safety. The hovercraft was a crowd favourite and a few lucky students were selected to take a ride on it.

Students who brought their helmets along, were given advice and instructions on how to make sure their helmets are fit correctly. Students also learned about some important safety precautions when riding in or exiting a vehicle.

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Final

On Friday 28 October our Years 3 and 4 Tennis Team participated in the Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Final.

Boys – Rex, Ryan, Riley, Jude and Oscar

Girls – Isabelle, Amelia, Vaiga, Eliza and Sara

Our team performed very well in their preliminary games, defeating all schools in their pool. As a result, we finished top of Pool A and qualified for the first semi-final against Scots Albury.

Our team continued their winning form, defeating Scots 6 sets – 2. As a result, we qualified for the grand final against Trinity Anglican College. Our team saved their best tennis for last, defeating their Albury opponents, 8 sets to 0.

Not only were we crowned Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Champions, our team qualified for the State Final in Sydney on Monday 14 November.

A big thank you to our parents for their support, Zac Burhop and Paul New for coordinating this event. We wish our team all the best in Sydney.

Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator





Over the last week at OSHC the children have engaged in a wide range of activities.

We took advantage of the minimal moments of sunshine and spent time outside developing hand-eye coordination by playing handball, passing the footy and playing tennis.

On Thursday, we were lucky enough to participate in gymnastics with the Little Champions group. The children learnt new gymnastics positions and played gymnastics games, focusing on their listening skills. We are excited to have Little Champions back this week!

Just Dance was another hit this week at OSHC. The children had a blast showing off their dance moves and dancing in groups with their friends.

The students have also enjoyed challenging each other with chess, checkers, Triominos and Rubik’s Cubes. The children have shown their determination to complete these challenges (the Rubik’s Cube in particular) as they have sat with friends and spent plenty of time over the last week working on finishing each side.

We look forward to another great week at OSHC!

Melanie Woodbury

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]

We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.


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