

Term 3, Week 3

Coming up this week



Friday 5 August

9:10am Chapel - all welcome

Friday 5 August

Team 6 Leadership day

Monday 8 August

9:10am School Assembly - all welcome


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Building and re-building community

One of the hallmarks of Lutheran School over time has been the sense of community that parents and students feel. The COVID years have led to an unfortunate lull in gatherings and connection. Volunteer opportunities have been affected as well. For those of you who are new within the past two years, we hope you will realise that it’s not only your child who benefits from time at Lutheran School. YOU are an important part of school life here. The connection with like-minded people can help your parenting journey be just a little bit easier.  

Parents’ Cocktail Night

Our Parents and Friends (P&F) have been discussing how to re-establish that long-held feeling of community amongst parents. For that reason, they have organised the Parents’ Cocktail Night. 

Click on the link to book https://www.trybooking.com/CANUM .

So far, 50 people have signed up. We would love to have 75 of our 260 families join and mingle.

Volunteer in the canteen
Do you have an afternoon to spare that you might be able to spend helping in the school canteen? We are looking for parents who might be able to work alongside Mary on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and especially Fridays (our busiest order days!). There may be days that are paid if Mary is away. 

Volunteer in the Library

Our new library assistant, Justine, has been working to arrange a cozy, reflective space for students to read during Afternoon Tea. She is also creating a space that students can go to when they are simply feeling anxious or tired or reflective, and needing a quiet sensory space. She could use some assistance covering and shelving books. You might also read with a student in the library space. 

How to begin as a volunteer

Please express your interest for volunteering either in the canteen or in the library by emailing [email protected]. Also see our website page to see the steps we take to ensure student and community safety.

Hours are negotiable – whatever you can give will be appreciated. 


Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

Netball NSW School Cup final – Equex Centre
Monday 8 August

ICAS Digital Technology
Tuesday 9 August

Sydney FC Cup – Stage 3 boys – Duke of Kent Oval
Tuesday 9 August

Sydney FC Cup – Stage 3 girls – Duke of Kent Oval
Wednesday 10 August

Curriculum Matters


Our Book Week celebrations are fast approaching and preparations are well underway. This is a great community event that helps to promote the love of books and literature. As a school we want to celebrate this event as research shows, a child who reads or is read to for 10 minutes a night at home leads to significantly improved learning outcomes for the student as they progress through their education.

The Book Week Dress Up Parade is to be held on Friday the 26th of August. Families are invited to attend the parade which is to be held in the Chapel. The time is yet to be confirmed, however it will most likely be at 12.00. Please check the newsletter and seesaw for updates closer to the time. Each class has a unique theme this year. All parents and families have been informed via Seesaw and Facebook of the unique year level themes.


We are also excited about the Book Fair that will run from Monday August 22 until Friday August 26. The library will be open every morning (8.30am – 8:55am) and afternoon tea (1.50pm – 2.20 pm) of Book Week for students to browse and place book orders using the credit card order forms.

During class borrowing time in Week 5, students will be given the opportunity to record different books that they like to purchase. Students will bring home a ‘Wish List’ – which will also provide payment details. We encourage payments to be made by Eftpos.

Comprehension and Vocabulary Parent Information Evening.

It was lovely to have so many interested parents come along to our Parent Night on Comprehension and Vocabulary. I hope that you all found it to be informative and engaging.

Did you know?

  • When children become confident in decoding, it is their competence in language comprehension that will determine their overall reading ability. So in more advanced reading, good language comprehension will be more crucial than word recognition. (Oakhill 2015)
  • Vocabulary is key to good reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without understanding what most of the words mean. As children read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new words that are not part of their reading vocabulary.

What can you do as a parent to help your child’s reading comprehension and vocabulary development?

Read lots and lots of fiction and non-fiction books
Talk to your children about everything
Encourage our children to speak with adults
Have a family word of the week
Encourage academic and developmentally mature language
Expose your children to a variety life experiences and wonderment

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

Touch Football Gala Day

On Wednesday 27 July our Year 4 and Year 6 students participated in the Wagga Wagga Touch Football Gala Day. We entered six Stage 2 teams and six Stage 3 teams. All teams played three 15-minute games against schools from the region. Our students had lots of fun, demonstrated fabulous skills, impressive teamwork and wonderful sportsmanship throughout the day.

A big thank you to James Galea (NSW Touch) for coordinating this event, the LSWW staff who assisted on the day and our Year 6 students who refereed. You did a fabulous job!

Clara – It was a great day, everyone had lots of fun and and played as a team’

Caleb – ‘It was lots of fun in particular when we scored tries’

Ewan ‘The touch gala day was really fun.  We really enjoyed it and it was hard at times but we made it through.  My team was Ryan, Charlie, Willoughby, Kirollos, Clyde, Daniel and Ryder.  We won every game so we are very happy about that.  I’m pretty sure we had a great time’.

Ryan – ‘The touch gala day was a fun experience, its a good sport to play and everyone there was nice.  It was fun to play with your friends in the games.  My team versed Mount Austin, Mater Dei and Holy Trinity, the teams were hard but it was fun.  The people on my team were Willoughby, Charlie, Ewan, Ryder Kirollos, Daniel, Clyde and I.  They made the day even better’.

Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator


This week at OSHC we welcome Aaron to the team in a permanent capacity. Aaron has worked for OSHC in the past as a casual educator and we welcome him as he studies early education.

The children have been working on fine motor skills as we put patterns into dinosaur scratch pads and manipulate sand for sand art.

The children have created a small study club as they work together to complete their homework in the afternoons.

Other activities planned for this week are painting money boxes and decorating wooden bug figures and spin tops.

During before school care this week the children have shared in leadership roles to lead games in the chapel including ‘Red Light/Green Light’ and “Cars, Buses, Trucks’.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]

We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.


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