

Term 3, Week 2

Coming up this week



Friday 29 July

9:10am Chapel - all welcome

Tuesday 2 August

RAS Athletics Carnival

Friday 26 August

7:00pm Lutheran families Winter Cocktail Party - The Gardens Function Centre


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Play as Learning

Children learn through play – even older children. As they compete and make up pretend stories, they are rehearsing life as an adult. They navigate relationships, mimic adult social interactions, and develop their muscles. Often they solve problems during play.

Final designs

The work we have done with playground design reflects our belief in play as an important part of learning. Three design iterations have been examined, leading us to the final design below. The next step is to present this final designs to the School Board for approval. Pending approval, we will go forward with funding and the build. Your service at the Spring Festival will help fund this Play-based Learning project.

You can be part of this exciting playground evolution as well as upcoming projects. Please consider joining the Facilities Committee, a sub-committee of the School Board. To express interest, simply email Nicole at [email protected].

Janet Moeller

From The DEPUTY Principal

Changes to Bus routes.

From 1 August, All School and Route buses that service the Ashmont area will do so via a common route.  Please see map.

Messenger Avenue Boorooma changes

For students who currently board and alight buses on Messenger Av in Boorooma, there will be a new temporary bus zone located on Boorooma St before the Messenger/Avocet Roundabout (alongside Vianney College).
Buses will be expected at this temporary stop on Boorooma St at the following times:

Morning Departures
Please ensure you are waiting at the temporary stop at least 5-10 minutes before to ensure you don’t miss your bus.
S167 – Departing 7:53am
S197 – Departing 7:55am
S144 – Departing 8:00am
S134 – Departing 8:00am
S107 – Departing 8:37am
S200 – Departing 8:52am

Afternoon Arrivals
S108 – Arriving 3:13pm
S180 – Arriving 3:30pm
S199 – Arriving 4:19pm
S178/966 – Arriving Avocet Dr opposite Pugsley Av at 4:34pm and at the temporary stop on Boorooma St at 4:54pm.

For students in Gobbagombalin, Boorooma and Estella, these changes will only affect your boarding times. Please be waiting at your bus stop 5-10 minutes earlier than normal to ensure that you do not miss your bus.


The school regularly reviews its COVID response to ensure we maintain as safe an environment as is possible. We follow the NSW Health directives and take guidance from the NSW Association of Independent Schools and the guidelines provided by the NSW Department of Education.

We are taking the following precautions:

– We continue to wipe down touch points daily with recommended disinfectant
– Rooms have HEPA filters (provided by P&F)
– Visitors to the school are encouraged to wear appropriately fitted face masks
– We conduct risk assessments for activities that could represent risks of transmission
– Parents are encouraged to maintain an up-to-date COVID vaccination regime for themselves and their children
– Social distancing occurs where possible and practicable
– Families and staff who are close contacts are required to abide by NSW Government requirements for isolation and testing

Families are reminded that the health and safety of our community is everyone’s responsibility and ask that they continue to maintain the highest COVID safe standards.

David Shaw
Business Manager

Lutheran Parents' Winter Cocktail Party.

Tickets are now available for the Lutheran Parents’ Winter Cocktail Party and can be purchased through the following link:


The event will be held on Friday 26 August 2022, at The Gardens Function Centre, Botanical Gardens in Wagga, commencing at 7:00 pm.

The ticket price ($75) includes hot and cold finger food, and entertainment by Who’s the BOSS party band.

This event is a chance for Lutheran school parents to enjoy a fun night together – rather than a fundraiser. There is a casual focus to the night, a chance to mingle, have a chat and dance with members of our wonderful community.

Tickets are limited so get in quick!


Principal's Award

Congratulations to Joel, Chelsea and Katelyn on their Principal’s Awards

Values Focus


What do you think of when you hear the word service? Do you think of the services running to your house? Gas, electricity, water, internet and sewerage? All of those are services. Or is it possible that you think of services you provide other people, whether it be as a tradesman, shop assistant, hospitality worker or any other company that provides a service to people?

Do you think of a church service in this way, or is it a responsibility just for the good Christian?

Often we think of service as providing something for someone, like the companies who give us internet and electricity. We pay them and in turn they provide a service. It’s the same for any tradesman, right? Tradies render a service and in turn expect to be paid for services rendered. This is the way of the world, how business keeps moving, how people live.

What if I told you that Christianity in a way, is no different to this – that the Sunday service, Sunday worship or whatever you want to call it is pretty much the same? That a price has been paid and in turn we are given a service every week, every day even?

“The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people.” (Matthew 20:28 CEV)

You see, Jesus came and died on the cross for us, paying the price God demanded of us. Jesus became the slave who gave his life so that we might be rescued, so that we might receive a service. You know what that service is?

That service is forgiveness, being pronounced innocent, saved by Jesus Christ who became a slave so that you might be given an eternal service – one that you never have to pay a price for like you do your electricity and internet bills. Christ paid the price for services rendered once and for all.

Now Church on Sunday has become a place we go because that’s where God serves us every week because of the price Jesus paid. God gives us forgiveness, he gives us his word, he gives us his body and blood in communion, he gives us fellowship with other Christians. We get all of this, a free service given to us because Christ paid a fee that we could never imagine. One we couldn’t begin to try and pay!

Pastor David Cherry
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Wagga Wagga.

Curriculum Matters


Congratulation to the following students who are their class SRC Representatives for Semester Two:

1S      Lachlan 
1F      Sophia 
2D     Edie 
2K     Harry 
3W    Ella 
3T     Jackson 
4W    Mia 
4R     Ryan 
5R     Nathan 
5N     Kylie 
Team 6  Clara, Angus, Caitlin and Noah


Each year, across Australia, the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) brings children and books together celebrating CBCA Book Week. Throughout the year, the CBCA works in partnership with authors, illustrators, publishers, booksellers and other organisations in the children’s book world to bring words, images and stories into the hearts and minds of children and adults.

Our Book Week Vision at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga is to create a community of learners that celebrates quality Australian literature for young people. We are excited to announce that Book Week will be held in Week 6 with our usual Book Fair and a Book Parade. More information will follow in the next few weeks.

You can check out the shortlisted books for 2022 on the CBCA website. 
http://Presenting the CBCA Shortlist – 2022

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

Mortimer Shield Finals

On Friday 22 July our Stage 3 Girls League Tag team competed in the Mortimer Shield finals at Paramore Park. The girls worked well together as a team and displayed some impressive skills on the field. They ran hard, scored some great tries and encouraged each all day. They played some quality opposition on the day and finished third in their pool.

A big thank you to the parents who stopped by to cheer on the team and to Tristan Brown for his coaching and support.
Annabel  –Mortimer Shield was fun especially competing against other schools’
Tessa – Mortimer Shield was really fun and our team competed very well and tried our best even though we didn’t win’

Heather Mansley
Year 5 Class Teacher (Term 3)

ACT & Regional NSW Snowsport Championships

Last week, Charlotte Croker, Max Gaynor, Poppy Gaynor and Abigail Toohey travelled to Perisher for the ACT & Regional NSW Snowsport Championships. Our students performed very well in their individual events, recording personal best times and placings. A big thank you to Stuart for managing our ski team and our parents for your support.

Poppy  – ‘It was great skiing with people from other schools and seeing how good they were.  A great experience’
Abigail  –  ‘It was a great experience and would do it again.  It was good making lots of friends whilst waiting in line’

Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator




This week at OSHC the children have been decorating bird whistles, rattles and picture frames.

We are also focusing on knots as we make some pillows.

Some of the children have been working together to complete their literacy and mathematics homework.

Playing chess and Uno has been popular this week during table activities and we have been grooving to just dance and playing silent ball for some of our physical play.

We look forward to another wonderful week.

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]

We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.


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