Term 3, Week 5
Coming up this week
Friday 19 August
Chocolate and Beanie Day - fundraiser for Ron ald McDonald House
Friday 19 August
9:10am Chapel - all welcome
Saturday 20 August
4:00pm Team 6 catch up - Kooringal Hotel
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Unpacking "Contemporary Learning"
I’m a big fan of The West Wing, an American political drama from the late ’90s and early 2000s. One of my favourite scenes from the series takes place during a political debate when President Bartlet calls our the other candidate for an over-simplistic 10-word answer to an important question. The first 41 seconds of the video below sets the stage.
He says, “10-word answers can kill you in political campaigns, they’re the tip of the sword. Here’s my question: What are the next 10 words?“
Education reform is often politicised and, when we try and break down changes into 10-word explanations, we risk the sword of misconception. “Contemporary Learning”, if explained in 10-words, would lead to a host of misconceptions.
An invitation to gain greater understanding of Contemporary Learning
Over this past term, teachers and support staff have taken a deep dive into the Contemporary Learning Framework, a framework developed by Lutheran Education Australia to encapsulate the many aspects of Contemporary Learning.
A Contemporary Learning environment requires a culture of both rigorous academics and wellbeing initiatives supported by leaders, educators, students, support staff, parents and community partners. Behind this supportive culture are structures such as policies, technologies and strategic plans.
In the next Parent Information Session on Tuesday, 6 September at 6pm, those who come can work with me to unpack the parts of the framework relating to students and parents. Some questions that will be answered are the following:
- How might a Contemporary Learning classroom look different than what I experienced as a child?
- To what extent can I or should I be involved as a parent within a Contemporary Learning culture?
- What are the reasons behind the initiatives in the past few years?
- What initiatives can I expect going forward?
As part of this journey to Contemporary Learning, teachers have been working on a draft Philosophy of Teaching and Learning. At this session, we will share that draft with you so that you can offer feedback before it is finalised and published. Our upcoming playground build and other projects will all be informed by our philosophy.
Not only do we value your input in the discussion, we hope you will leave with an understanding that the bigger picture of Contemporary Learning cannot be distilled into a 10-word explanation. That’s not because it is complicated; rather, it encompasses a number of moving pieces. It’s an exciting, rewarding journey and we look forward to traveling it with you.
Janet Moeller
Mark your calendars
Book Fair
Monday August 22-Friday August 26
9:10am Assembly – all welcome
Monday 22 August
ICAS – Science
Tuesday 23 August
Trent Barrett Shield – Stage 2
Thursday 25 August
From The DEPUTY Principal
asking all students to please wear a beanie with your normal school
uniform. Please bring a gold coin donation. We will be raising money for
Ronald McDonald House, Wagga Wagga. For all the people who are not
sure what Ronald McDonald house is, it is an organisation for people
who live in a small town and their child needs to go to hospital and stay
there. Their parents can stay in Ronald McDonald House so that they
can be close to their child. The chocolate treats that we will be selling at
the canteen will be chocolate crackles, muffins, chocolate treats and
much more. Please bring loose change up to about $3.
Thank you,
School Captain & Vice Captain (Clara and Caitlin)
Transport for NSW are rolling out a bus tracking system to rural and regional bus fleets across NSW. After the successful implementation of the system on the Wagga bus network we want to ensure everyone in the school community is aware of the systems’ capabilities.
All that is required to access ‘Real Time’ trip information, Live Tracking and Bus Stop data is to download one of the applicable Apps. Please click on the link below for your options.
There are a number of apps to choose from, one example is AnyTrip. Simply type in the route number (e.g. S100 or 960) then select the correct local route (e.g. S100 Gumly to Mt Austin Primary) and you will be able to track the bus in real time.
If you need assistance, or have any questions or concerns please call the Busabout depot on 02 5942 6600.
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
Lutheran Families Winter Cocktail Party
Tickets are now available for the Lutheran Parents’ Winter Cocktail Party and can be purchased through the following link: https://www.trybooking.com/CANUM
The event will be held on Friday, 26 August 2022, at The Gardens Function Centre, Botanical Gardens in Wagga, commencing at 7:00 pm.
The ticket price ($75) includes hot and cold finger food, and entertainment by “Who’s the BOSS” party band.
This event is a chance for Lutheran school parents to enjoy a fun night together. Rather than a fundraiser, there is a casual focus to the night, a chance to mingle, have a chat and dance with members of our wonderful community.
Tickets are limited so get in quick!
A race we are all running
This week I would like to talk about sporting achievements. One I can remember from my school AFL days was when I was playing as full back. That didn’t last long because I was told we weren’t allowed to spear tackle the opposing team. After that season, I didn’t keep playing. It just wasn’t as much fun without the spear tackling!
My primary focus, however, was in swimming where I became one of the Ovens and Murray Champions. Making it to the Melbourne championships, I qualified for the 50m freestyle and the 50m breaststroke. This put me in the top 10 fastest swimmers in Victoria. But now I don’t swim as much because I have a tendency to throw my shoulder out doing butterfly, which I still really enjoy! Now I am focusing on running and running a race of a very different kind – a race that most of you run, a race that Paul talks about in his letters to the Churches.
You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! Athletes work hard to win a crown that cannot last, but we do it for a crown that will last forever. I don’t run without a goal. And I don’t box by beating my fists in the air. I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won’t lose out after telling the good news to others .
This sport we all compete in and gained an entrance to through our baptism. Unlike my swimming, where I had to qualify to get to the championships, you have all qualified for the championships because Christ died on the cross for you. The price to enter this race was the blood of Christ. He paid it for you!
Now if you are in a race of this calibre you would want to focus on winning, especially after blood was the paid for you to get in. When we are in sports, we focus on winning, whether it be team sports where you watch the ball and the opposing team’s movements. Or in sports like swimming, where you are focused on what you are doing, breathing, and the finish line. In the Christian race we are focused on Jesus Christ, because he is the goal of our race. He is the reason we are racing.
But as Paul said in the above quote, athletes work hard to win at sports by training almost every day of the week for that one race. I trained every morning before school for most of my life, and after school 3 nights per week. In the Christian race, training looks very different. It consists of prayers, bible studies, reading, singing, fellowship, and going to church. We do these things to focus on the goal of the race, the real prize, which is Christ.
Is Jesus Christ the goal of your race? The one who paid the qualifying price so that you don’t have to?
Pastor David Cherry
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Curriculum Matters
The two TOM teams, consisting of 14 dedicated and creative students, have been really busy getting organised for the TOM tournament at Sturt Public School on Sunday 28 August.
The Smarto Tomatoes team have elected to compete in the Social Sciences challenge and Winners n Grinners team are competing in the Art Literature challenge.
TOM is a wonderful initiative that provides opportunity for students who shine in co-operation, self discipline, creativity and team participation. Good luck to all of the students involved.
The Book Character Parade gives our students an opportunity to dress up in a costume that reflects our school’s love of literature. This year there is a twist! Each year level has selected a special theme unique for their classes, reflecting a focus of quality literature learning happening in their classrooms.
Families and friends are invited to come along and join in the fun and festivities. Each year level will participate in the parade. This is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of our school community and we would love to see you all there.
Date – Friday 26 August
Time – 12 noon
Venue – The Chapel
Note: It would be greatly appreciated if visiting families could be seated by 12 noon so that our parade can start on time. Please follow COVID-safe practices by sanitising hands. Face masks are encouraged but not required.
We are also excited about the Book Fair that will run throughout this week and continue through Friday 26 August. The library will be open every morning (8.30am – 9.00am) and afternoon (3.30pm – 4.00pm) of Book Week (next week) for parents to browse and purchase books.
This week all students will be able to view the books that will be for sale and will be given an opportunity to record different books that they like, including their book wish prices. Students will bring home a ‘Wish List’ – so be prepared!
Have you considered donating a book from the Book Fair to our school library? This is a great way for your family to make a contribution to our Resource Centre. Each book donated will have a certificate with your family/child’s name on the inside cover. We would value your donation to this important area of our school.
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
From The Sports Desk
Sydney FC Cup
The boys’ Sydney FC Cup team competed on Tuesday 9th of August. The group of 13 Year 5 and 6 boys played 7 games back to back and scored over 30 goals throughout the day, keeping a clean sheet throughout. At the conclusion of the matches, we led our pool by a significant margin, placing the boys in the knock out Semi Final against a very strong team from Wagga Public. Unfortunately despite a valiant effort, the boys lost 2-0.
On Wednesday 10th August, the girls had an opportunity to play in the same competition. In a tough pool with 5 games, they walked away with 1 win, 2 draws and 2 narrow losses. Despite their enthusiasm, solid defence and aggressive attack, the girls were consistently unable to find a path to the back of the net, leading to being knocked out before the Semi-Final.
Both teams represented the school with outstanding sportsmanship and teamwork.
Thanks to Ms Stewart for making all of the arrangements for us to attend, and to Liam Dedini from Football Wagga for organising a great event.
Lindsie Newham
Todd Woodbridge Cup – Stage 2
On Friday 12 August our school participated in the Todd Woodbridge Cup at the South Wagga Tennis Club. We entered four teams of 10 in this modified tennis event.
Our students played games of doubles against The Riverina Anglican College and Wagga Wagga Christian College. Our teams performed extremely well placing first and second in both the competitive and non-competitive draws.
The students had lots of fun, demonstrated fabulous skills, impressive teamwork and wonderful sportsmanship.
Team One (Boys – Rex, Ryan, Riley, Jude, Oscar, Girls – Isabelle, Sara, Amelia, Vaiga and Eliza) were successful winning all games and advancing to the finals next term. They will play the winning schools from the local Catholic Schools and Public Schools Gala Days.
‘The Todd Woodbridge Cup was lots of fun. I liked playing with my friends’ Jude Thompson
‘I liked the Todd Woodridge Cup because we played tennis with our friends’ Eliza Gentle
A big thank you to Mrs Wadley and Mr Brown for assisting with the teams and Zac Burhop for coordinating this event.
Australian Football Championships
On Friday 5 August, Logan Robbins travelled to Adelaide for the Australian Football Championships. There were 5 teams participating at this event. Logan was representing New South Wales (NSW) and competing at his first Australian Football Championships.
The NSW team played South Australia (SA) and Victoria (VIC) on the first two days of competition. The NSW boys were competitive in both games, however, were defeated by their more fancied opponents.
On the third and fourth day, NSW played Western Australia (WA) and Queensland (QLD). The NSW team continued to develop and improve in both games. They narrowly went down to WA, 33-15 and QLD, 39-29.
The NSW boys saved their best game for last recording an impressive win against the ACT, 52-0. Logan had a great game kicking two goals. Congratulations to South Australia who were crowned the Australian Football Champions. They defeated Victoria in the final by 21 points, 37-16.
Congratulations Logan, the school community is super proud of your 2022 AFL achievements! Thank you to Hayley and family for transporting and supporting Logan at this event.
Logan Robbins – ‘My highlights were meeting the Swans players, making new friends and playing in a competitive team. It was a great experience and lots of fun’
Caroline Stewart
PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator
This week, the talk of OSHC was the dance off!
For our physical activity this week we did a dance off. The children were split into two even teams to dance. They chose songs that they wanted to dance to and each team took turns dancing while the other team watched and cheered.
While dancing, teams were awarded points for teamwork, skill, enthusiasm, facial expressions and creativity. While a team was watching the dance, they could be awarded points for showing respect to the other team.
Both teams did amazingly and showed off their moves. We saw the worm, the robot, a conga line and even some break dancing!
Vacation Care: The Spring Vacation Care program is now available and bookings are open for Lutheran school families. We have some wonderful activities planned for these holidays including crazy hair day, a visit to ‘Inflatable World’, “Zana’ and Trivia Day.
For a copy of the program, please come to the OSHC room, school office or email [email protected]
Melanie Woodbury
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]
We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you.