

Term 4, Week 6

Coming up this week



December 1st

Team 6 Families Catch Up

December 9th

Last Day of Term

December 10th

Pupil Free Day


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

School Focus on Health and Wellbeing

Studies relating to the diet and nutrition of young people have determined that there is a direct effect on brain development and learning. This can directly impact academic outcomes.”- Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

See full message

Healthy Canteen

We’re excited to be recognised again as a school with a Healthy Canteen. Many thanks to Mrs Woodbury for leading that effort. 

It’s no secret that healthy bodies are linked to healthy minds. In our latest edition of SchoolTV, you can discover practical advice for teaching your kids about the benefits of incorporating a healthy diet and good nutrition.

Here is the link to the Diet & Nutrition edition of SchoolTV:

A health-conscious fundraiser

Our Team 6 scholars have planned to make health part of their legacy. They are raising money to cover our outdoor basketball and tennis court. This will allow PE classes to be outdoors more frequently. Also, students will have increased play areas during wet weather. Thanks, Team 6!

To fund this legacy gift, they are asking for all students at Lutheran School to participate in a Walkathon. The goal is for each child in the school to raise $25. Thank-you for supporting your children and the Team 6 in this effort.

Teacher focus on health curriculum

Teachers this week are working with curriculum specialists to further improve our school focus on Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). They are writing specific units for year levels that will promote overall wellbeing as students grow. Watch this space in 2022 for a school-wide weekly focus on health and wellbeing.

Janet Moeller


Mark your calendars

Last day of term
9th December 2021

Pupil Free Day

10th December 2021

Students return to school (Years 1-6)
31st January 2022

Kindergarten students begin school
Date 3rd February 2022

From The DEPUTY Principal

Welcoming Kindergarteners and Parent Volunteers

Parent Volunteers

As we slowly come out of COVID restrictions and start to open up the school, parent volunteers should be aware that we will require sight of a copy of your vaccination certificate before you are allowed to volunteer in the future.  

Kindergarten Transition for 2022
Today was the last day of Kindergarten transition for our 2022 students.

The new Kindergarten students spent some time meeting their Year 5 buddies for next year via a Zoom meeting. Exciting times for our Year 5 and new Kindergarten students await!

Many thanks again to Mrs Forsyth, Mrs Macleod, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Prenzler and Mrs Menzies for their work in supporting our new students.

As we start to make plans for 2022, I would be grateful if you are planning on leaving the school at the end of the year, if you could let the office know as soon as possible. It will help us in our planning especially with regards to availability of school places in each grade.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students on receiving their Principal's Award









Curriculum Matters


Round Three of Mastermind was held this week to determine our ‘top forty’. Congratulations to all the students (pictured) for their efforts thus far. Next week is our final written round, followed by an ‘oral elimination’ round.

Questions from Round Three:

  • Where might I find an Enderman?
  • Finish this saying by Dr Seuss, ‘Why fit in when you were born to…’?
  • Lego originated in which country?
  • How many steps lead up to the back of the LSWW office?
  • How many days in a leap year?

LSWW Chess Grandmaster
Congratulations to Kavin M on his success in the grand final. Kavin secured a best of three win over Max O to become our 2021 Chess Grandmaster. The top four are as follows:

  1.  Kavin
  2. Max O
  3. Angus T
  4. Lance P

Also, congratulations to Red Hill for their House win in the Summit Cup. The results of the House efforts are as follows:

  1. Red Hill
  2. Tatton Hill
  3. Rocky Hill
  4. Willans Hill

Karri von Mengersen
Curriculum Coordinator

Blank Section

team 6 families catch up


Self-identity and pride through art

Last week at After School Care we had a theme of self-identity and sense of self. 

We created a gallery where the children can hang their artworks in the room to show off their work with pride.

We asked the children to paint self-portraits and,  if they wanted, hang them up for everyone to see. 

We had many beautiful paintings. Children had the opportunity to paint with paint brushes, sponges or their fingers for a more sensory experience.

As part of our self-identity theme last week the children got to decorate some fabric bunting that will be hung in our OSHC room. The children decorated the bunting by writing down things that they love to do, things that they love to eat and things that they love to play with at OSHC as well as drawing pictures of things they love.

Melanie Woodbury

Acting Coordinator

Awards and Achievements

Class or Achievement Name

Class or Achievement Name

Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

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Notable Achievement

Firstname Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 

Other Information



Lost Property

Please check lost property in the school office for misplaced items. Unclaimed items of clothing will be donated to the school’s second hand Uniform Shop.

Please label your child’s items. This practice helps us to return your child’s clothing, etc. Thank you.


Orders are accepted via the e-form purchase request on the school app, or by phone call/text message to Tegan Peel 

0401 665 640

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