


Term 2, Week 2

Coming up this week



Thursday 5 May

Athletics Carnival - Jubilee Park

Friday 6 May

Stage 2/3 Rugby Union - Conolly Park

Friday 6 May

Year 2 Art Gallery Excursion


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

How do you measure wellbeing?

I’m a data fan. Some people find that odd, but others get weirdly excited when I mention that. On my personal wellbeing journey, my watch captures my steps, my heart rates, my exercise habit and my sleep habits. 

Schools are getting better at tracking overall data as well. Our upcoming NAPLAN tests will give us some data as to how well our students are performing academically when compared to other schools, but it doesn’t tell us how well they are traveling with regards to growing up as healthy humans with good values. How well are they doing on their personal and academic goals?

Monitoring student goals

During the student-led conferences, our young scholars identified goals or areas for growth. In Term 2, Ms Hamblin is encouraging students to go on an adventure in working toward those goals. It begins with setting an intention (see video link). Why have you set the goal that you set? What makes that goal important to you?

Students are encouraged to make their own goal adventure maps over the term. They will identify barriers and obstacles. Then, they will practice strategies to overcome those barriers and track their progress. These maps allow us to gather data on how students are tracking. More than that, students are taking responsibility for gathering their own data and reflecting on their progress.

Active Travel Network Data

Later this year, some researchers from the University of Sydney will be researching the effects of the Active Travel Network (i.e. cycleways and walkways) on student travel to school. The study was undertaken by Wagga Wagga City Council in partnership with the Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Transport for NSW and iMOVE Australia. It hat been approved by the Research Ethics Committee.

The researchers will be onsite for five days in one week to do the following:

  • record the size and access to the parking areas
  • note the number of bicycle parking spaces available, type of bicycle parking and condition of the facilities. They will look at the number of bicycles and other personal transport vehicles parked in designated areas.

Observers will not interact with any students or staff during the observations. The office will have record of all the observers.

If you see people with a sign “Observations of bicycle parking are being undertaken today as part of a research project being conducted by the University of Sydney and Wagga Wagga City Council”, please know that it is a legitimate study and will not interfere with the normal operations of the school.

We hope to continue to work with the Wagga Wagga City Council to further encourage students to be active by walking and cycling to and from school.

Janet Moeller


Mark your calendars

Spell Master sign up
Monday 9 May

NAPLAN – Writing 
Tuesday 10 May

NAPLAN – Reading
Wednesday 11 May

NAPLAN – Conventions of language
Thursday 12 May

From The DEPUTY Principal

National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Next week students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN tests. These are a series of standardized tests in literacy and numeracy. The students have had experience of practicing these tests this term using the online platform. There will be catch up days for students that are absent, but as much as possible I would encourage parents to make sure their children are present at school next week. Best wishes to all students taking part in these tests.

Professional Learning Day – Social Circles

Last Tuesday 26 April the staff participated in a professional learning day led by a consultant from the Association of Independent Schools, New South Wales (AISNSW). The focus of the day was the use of ‘Social Circles’ in supporting our students in their Social and Emotional Learning. The use of social circles as a point of discussion on a range of topics to do with friendship and relationships and the explicit teaching of key skills will be a focus for our teachers and students this year. I strongly believe there will be positive outcomes for all of our students involved in this program.

Attached is a short clip from a circle session I ran with our Team 6 students yesterday.

I will lead an information session to parents on the use of ‘Social Circles’ on Tuesday, 14 June at 6pm in the Assembly Hall. Please mark it in your diary. I am hoping you will find it an informative session.


Athletics Carnival / Canteen
Just a reminder the K-6 Athletics Carnival will take place tomorrow on Thursday, 5 May at Jubilee Park. Thank you to Ms Stewart for her meticulous organisation of the event. It should be an enjoyable day for everyone.

The Athletics presentations will take place on Monday, 9 May at 9.00am in the hall.

Please note the Canteen will be closed all day tomorrow, there will be no lunch or afternoon tea orders.

Years 3-6 Rugby Union Gala Day
On Friday, 6 May selected students from Years 3-6 will take place in the Rugby Union Gala day. The boys have trained really hard during morning and afternoon breaks. They are looking forward to the day and are ready to play!

Best wishes to both teams competing in the tournament.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Fete/Festival news

We are seeking volunteers for our Fete/Festival Steering Committee.

If you would like to be part of our Fete/Festival Committee we would love to see you on Tuesday, 10th May at 7pm in the school boardroom.

Any ideas/suggestions are more than welcome to help make Lutheran’s School Fete 2022 a great success.

Please feel free to contact Nicole Verus on 69 238 101 or email [email protected]

P&F Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall Election Day - Saturday, 21 May 8am - 3pm

The P&F will be holding a Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall at school on Saturday, 21 May as a fundraiser during the Election.

We are seeking your help to either volunteer (1hr) between 8am-3pm and/or donate some scrumptious goods to be sold at the Cake Stall.

Baked goods can be cakes, cupcakes, slices, cookies, etc.  Everything should be clearly labeled with what it is and the ingredients. Please provide packaging you do not want returned (e.g. Glad Wrap, paper plates, etc.)

Baked goods can  be delivered to the office on Friday, 20 May from 8:30am – 3:30pm.

Please let us know if you can help out by contacting Chrissy Richards on 0417 938 102  or [email protected].

Curriculum Matters

Spellmaster Nominations.

For students in Years 2-6, please note the following dates:

Monday, 9 May – Spellmaster nominations

Monday, 23 May – Round 1

Monday, 20 May – Round 2

Monday, 6 June – Round 3

Tuesday, 14 June – Round 4

Monday, 20th June – Oral Round

Monday, 27 June – Spellmaster Final


Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section


This week the children have been settling into a new routine at OSHC. We are trialing a calm approach to entering OSHC in the afternoons with table activities such as team games, fidget toys and craft activities being available.

We are hoping that this change assists children with the transition from school.

The children have been working on our Mother’s Day craft this week as we decorate cards and make some special treats for our mothers, grandmothers and carers. Thank you for all that you do.

We would like to remind you that we have a suggestions book at the sign in desk and we encourage the children to write on there anything they would like to do at OSHC and also afternoon tea ideas we may be able to add to the menu.

Wishing you a wonderful week

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.  

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected], we will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.

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