Term 2, Week 4
Coming up this week
Friday 20 May
Walk Safely to School day
Friday 20 May
9:10am Chapel
Friday 20 May
Baked goods to be dropped into office 8:30am - 3:30pm
To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.
Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.
From The Principal
Courage is built on small, successive successes
Thomas Edison said that success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. For many, his quote is motivating. For others, a 90% gap seems daunting.
In education training, we learn that student learning is built on small, incremental, consistent steps rather than big jumps. A famous cognitive psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, talks about the “Zone of Proximal Development”. His research from 1934 has stood up to duplication and scrutiny for almost a century.
Incremental steps toward goals
One of the best things we can teach children is that larger goals are achieved through the achievement of smaller, incremental goals that are in their Zones of Proximal Development (ZPDs). In this week’s video, Ms Hamblin shares how a goal such as learning times tables can be broken down.
If your child is leaving a project until the last minute, it is likely because they have not been able to see the small, incremental steps to finishing. Instead, they may be seeing the project as a mammoth task that they are silently afraid they cannot complete. A common coping mechanism is avoidance.
How you can help
You all work in industries with projects, whether they be construction projects, accounting projects, or the development of new health procedures. At home, projects such as gardening or re-decorating also have specific steps and timelines.
When you can, share those project timelines with your children. Following our goal-achievement steps so far (see the past few newsletters), share the following:
- What is your goal?
- Why is it important?
- What do you already know you can do (because you’ve done it!)
- Break the project into mini-goal steps. You might take out a calendar and show them which mini-goals will be achieved which weeks.
See if your child can do the same with the goals they set at the end of Term 1. Consider having a family check-in each week to celebrate your work and school mini-goal successes. No need to attach an award. A high-five or happy dance helps reinforce the intrinsic joy we feel when we achieve goals.
Courage from Heroes of Faith
God tells Joshua, “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.”
Joshua’s task was to move thousands of people (who were known for their constant complaining) into a whole new place. If I were him, I would be thinking about infrastructure projects, food stabilisation and many other things that would seem overwhelming.
God didn’t send Joshua and the people straight away. The process outlined in the book of Joshua involved a whole lot of steps, one area of settlement at a time. Joshua is an example to all of us that strength and courage need not (and most often do not) happen overnight.
I wish you God’s blessings as you work to achieve your own personal goals and work with your children to support them in their paths.
Janet Moeller
Mark your calendars
Election day Sausage Sizzle/Cake Stall
Saturday 21 May 8:00am-3:00pm
Spell Master round 1
Monday 23 May
Netball NSW School Cup State 2/3 – Equex Centre
Tuesday 24 May
School Photos
Thursday 9 June
From The DEPUTY Principal
National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
This week our students completed the online NAPLAN tests. The tests ran smoothly without any network or hardware issues. Thanks to the Y3 and Y5 teachers for their administration of the tests and to Ms Grant for the overall coordination of NAPLAN.
Early morning drop offs
Last week, I noticed some students being dropped off at school at 7.50am. Just a reminder to all parents that duty supervision starts at 8.10am. There are duty of care concerns if students start arriving at school before this time. Please feel free to enroll your child at OSCH as a before school supervision option. Many thanks for your anticipated cooperation with this.
RAS Cross Country
Best wishes to all students competing in the RAS Cross Country today in Albury. I look forward to hearing about the day over the coming days. Thanks to Ms Stewart for coordination of the day.
Winter Uniform changeover
It’s been great to see all of our students in their full winter uniform this week. Thanks to parents for ensuring this has happened after last week’s reminder.
Superconscious Dave and the Purple Fandago (a book from Julie Busuttil one of our parents)
Out of 251 submissions for the Penelope’s Prize Children’s Book Award for 2022, Superconscious Dave and the Purple Fandango made it to the top 25 Fan Favourite Book list!
“It is such an amazing achievement, just to make it to the top 25 with so many submissions entered worldwide! To be acknowledged from another continent is absolutely amazing.
“I came across Penelope’s Children’s Book Award earlier this year after publishing my first Children’s Book, Superconscious Dave and the Purple Fandango, in December 2021. It has been such a journey and I have learnt a lot about publishing, promotion etc. Writing the book literally only took a couple of hours. Illustrating, publishing and promoting the book has taken the majority of time.”
Please cast your vote and help Julie win!
Voting is now open for Penelope’s Prize Children’s Book Award and by voting for Superconscious Dave and the Purple Fandango you could help Julie win this prize.
Hurry, voting closes 20th May.
To vote
1. visit https://instagram.com/rdf_book_reviews?igshid=17n8kjbowe1e9.
2. Follow the Instagram page and
3. Most importantly click on the heart to cast a vote
“It just goes to show, you can literally achieve anything if you stay focused and think big!” Julie said.
You can follow Superconscious Dave’s adventures on Facebook – Search Superconscious Dave (book character).
The next in the series is due out later this year.
Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal
P&F Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall
Election Day - Saturday 21 May 8am - 3pm
The P&F will be holding a Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall at school on Saturday 21 May as a fundraiser during the Election.
We are seeking your help to either volunteer (1hr) between 8am-3pm and/or donate some scrumptious goods to be sold at the Cake Stall.
Baked goods can be cakes, cupcakes, slices, cookies, etc. Everything should be clearly labeled with what it is and the ingredients. Please provide packaging you do not want returned (e.g. Glad Wrap, paper plates etc).
Baked goods can be delivered to the office on Friday, 20 May from 8:30am-3:30pm.
Please let us know if you can help out by contacting Chrissy Richards on 0417 938 102 or [email protected] .
Values Focus
Where does your courage come from? What is it that gives you courage every day? As I write this reflection on courage and 2 of the times Jesus spoke of courage in the Bible, I want you to think about two stories:
- A paralytic healed
- A woman healed
Jesus heals the Paralytic (Matt 9:1-8)
When Jesus came to his own city of Bethlehem a group of people carried someone that couldn’t walk to him on a bed. When Jesus saw the men carrying this paralytic bloke he said “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven”. He told the man to have courage, to take heart. His sins had been forgiven and he could walk away healed.
Now there are two cases of courage here. First, the obvious one: the paralytic man got up and walked away healed because he had been healed. The second not so obvious: the men who carried the paralytic man to Jesus in the first place had the courage to carry this man out in public. Back then you would be considered unclean if you were near anyone sick. So these people had courage on two fronts: Courage to carry a sick unclean man through public which was a big deal, and courage to believe that Jesus would heal the paralytic man before him.
Where does this courage come from though? Does it come from their own physical ability to carry someone without getting tired? Or is it possible it comes from somewhere else or someone else? Where did their courage come from? Where does your courage come from?
A woman healed (Matt 9:18-22)
If these few verses you can again find Jesus telling someone to take heart, and have courage.
Jesus is on his way to see a girl sick in bed, possibly dead. While he is on his way this woman in the crowd touches him because she wants to be healed. What gave her the courage to reach out and touch Jesus? Why did she simply try to touch him in public? Something gave her the courage to do that.
The woman in this situation was also unclean and considered not fit to be in the general population. But here she is in the crowd trying to touch Jesus anyway. That courage had to come from somewhere, or from someone.
Your own courage
In both of these Biblical stories there is something that comes first, something that happens giving these people courage to do what is never done around the time of Jesus. For all of these people the story of the Gospel came first, not as we know it now, but as Jesus Christ the messiah the Son of God.
All these people had faith in who Jesus was the Son of God who had come to set them free. He may not set them free as they are expecting, but he set them free none-the-less. The men carried the paralytic because they had faith that Jesus could heal this sick man – not because Jesus was this man from an upper-class family or because he came bearing gifts, but because they had faith in Jesus as the Son of God.
The woman who touched Jesus in the crowd to be healed didn’t have a fascination with his clothes, she didn’t want to ask Jesus why he was there. She had faith that if she simply touched the clothes the Son of God was wearing, she would be healed. That gave her courage.
Courage rarely comes from within us; usually it will come from friends, family, role models, mentors, parents and guardians. But we don’t often give ourselves courage. That is why I asked earlier, where does your courage come from? As Christians we can say that our courage comes from Son of God, who died so that we could be forgiven, could be baptised, and have a relationship with him. This he did out of love for you. As a Christian my courage comes from the one who had nails driven into his hands so that I could be forgiven.
Where does your courage come from? Does it come from the one who died for you?
Pastor Dave Cherry
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
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Curriculum Matters
Our Year 3 and Year 5 students have completed NAPLAN testing for 2022. The online format went extremely well. The feedback about the change from paper to digital from students and staff has been really positive. The NAPLAN testing in 2023 has been moved to March which is much earlier than testing has previously been.
Lutheran School Wagga Wagga will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competitions this year. ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year. The competition is open to students from Year 2 to Year 6. Information about ICAS and how to register is available via Seesaw. Learn more by visiting https://www.icasassessments.com/
Chess Club has commenced for interested students in Year 3-6. Mr Gardner runs Chess Club every Wednesday at lunchtime.
The one day chess tournament is just around the corner. The event is scheduled for Week 9, Wednesday 22 June. This popular event is now in its third year. Students who are regular attendees of the school Chess Club will be invited to attend.
Round One kicks off next Monday 23 May. Interested students have registered and the list has been sent home.
Teaching Matters
On Friday 20 May, Mrs Hamiltion, Mrs Forsyth and Ms Grant are attending a course – ‘Leading the Implementation of the New English K-2 Syllabus’. The release of the new English K-2 syllabus marks the beginning of a significant period of curriculum change for primary schools in NSW. Educational leaders from the AIS (Association Independent Schools) will share their collective expertise to provide professional support to deliver new syllabus content confidently and competently. We are really looking forward to learning, sharing ideas and resources to improve teacher practice at LSWW and student learning outcomes during the period of curriculum reform.
Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator
Blank Section
Last week at OSHC we enjoyed lots of different crafts.
The children enjoyed painting wooden animals, making artworks out of coloured sand, making dream catchers and doing pour painting on wooden blocks.
The craft that the children expressed the most love for was making fish. We had styrofoam fish and we used glue, confetti and sand to decorate them!
Children practiced their fine motor skills as they carefully placed each and every piece of confetti as the gills for the fish. The students held up their fish with pride and showed them off to the staff members.
Melanie Woodbury
OSHC Educator
Other Information
Families leaving the school
Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.
Uniform Shop Orders
If you would like to purchase uniform from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected] we will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office. Thank you