


Term 2, Week 3

Coming up this week



Thursday 12 May

NAPLAN - Conventions of language

Friday 13 May

NAPLAN - Numeracy

Monday 16 May

9:10am School Assembly (parents welcome)


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Courage only exists in discomfort

Courage through history

During the Lutheran Principals’ Conference, we’ve been walking the historic paths of the German immigrants to Hahndorf. The establishment of German community and schools in Australia began with open confrontation against the rules imposed by King Wilhelm III of Prussia. This led to the loss of citizenship and a boat ride across the world. Once in Australia the immigrants forged a path to an area where they were they were loaned land to earn money and build a future. Once they were able to grow crops and make their wares, the money came as a result of annual treks to and from the Adelaide Hills to Adelaide.

On 3 October 1845, the South Australian paper wrote about the German settlers near Hahndorf:

They are quiet, industrious people, and tolerable workers, especially the women. The girls engage in every sort of labour – are excellent sheep-shearers, and exceedingly eager to engage in employment. To show how these people have succeeded, it is only necessary to mention that, though miserably poor when they landed, they have paid 7 pounds per acre for their land at Hahndorf and are possessed of large numbers of cattle and sheep…

The children who attended the early schools in the area knew and expected that life would be full of challenge. Today we call them courageous. I wonder, though, if they would describe themselves that way. Instead, I suspect they would simply say that they worked through the setbacks and successes as part of life.

The challenge of helping children develop courage

I’ve also had the honour this week to listen to Michael McQueen, futurist and author of Teaching for Tomorrow. In talking about the type of learning that is critical for success in the future, McQueen highlights tenacity. A trend in recent decades has been to shield young people from negative emotions or experiences like disappointment, sadness, discomfort and hardship.  Angela Duckworth’s research on grit expresses similar worry for child who have little practice falling and getting up again.

It’s terribly difficult to watch children feel nervous, disappointed and frustrated. How do we support them through those feelings without rescuing them from the lessons that build tenacity and resilience?

Courage to reach goals

As we work with students to achieve the goals they set in Term 1, we are guiding them through the value lens of courage, our Term 2 value focus.

Ms Hamblin has encouraged students to do the following so far:

  1. Be clear about the why of your goal. Why is this important for you? How will you be different when this goal is achieved?
  2. When things get difficult, it is often helpful to think of three things you can already do related to your goal. If you have learned to do those three things, you will be able to achieve the next steps too.

In the coming weeks, Ms Hamblin will give other tips for overcoming the emotional barriers to reaching goals.

In addition to that advice, I encourage you to share some of your family’s historical hardships and how they were overcome. Through the challenges, your ancestors instilled in you tenacity and resilience. 

Finally, it is important for us all to remember the words of Isaiah 43:4 where God says, “You are precious and honoured in my sight, and I love you.” I suspect the German immigrants clung to those words of hope. While we cannot and should not rescue children from all dysphoria, we show by our words and actions that we will support them through the difficulties and love them as God loves them. 

Our ancestors, like the German immigrants, teach us that our hardships refine us rather than define us. God is with us as we walk through those hardships, learn and practice courage. 

Janet Moeller

Mark your calendars

RAS Cross Country
Wednesday 18 May

Friday 20 May

Baked goods to be dropped into office

Saturday 21 May

Election day Sausage Sizzle/Cake Stall

From The DEPUTY Principal

National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

This week our students in Years 3 and 5 have been sitting their NAPLAN tests online. This year there is a 9 day window to complete the tests. We are hoping most of our students will be finished this Friday. There will be an opportunity to do catch-up tests next week. Best wishes to all students taking part in these tests.

Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday, 5 May we held our K-6 Athletics Carnival. It was a beautiful day, the students participated enthusiastically and there were some excellent individual performances on the track and in the field events. We acknowledged our age champions and new record holders in the Athletics presentation last Monday.

Congratulations to Willans Hill House who won the event. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time – it really does help develop a genuine school community. Special thanks to Ms Stewart for the time, thought and effort she put into running an excellent sporting event. Some of our students will now progress to the RAS Athletics event on Wednesday 18 May.

Years 3-6 Rugby Union Gala Day

On Friday 6 May students from Years 3-6 participated in the Rugby Union Gala day. The boys displayed good sportsmanship and played some great rugby. Thanks to parents for their support and a special thanks to Scott MacGregor for assisting in coaching the Years 3 and 4 boys.

The Years 3 and 4 team went on to win the Gala day which was a fantastic achievement.

Winter Uniform changeover

Just a reminder, it is now week 3 and all students should be wearing full winter uniform.

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Mother's Day Stall

The children took great delight in choosing a present for Mother’s Day last week.  It was really special to see!

Thanks to the following mums for giving up their time to help:

Lisa Price, Ellie Deacon, Farina Goldsworthy, Brooke Arentz, Brenna Sheather and Jules Williams.  And thanks to Gav Richards for running the stall at second break.

We are glad to report that the P & F were able to raise $2200 from this event!

Liz Gooden


P&F Sausage sizzle/cake stall election day - saturday 21 may 8AM-3PM



The P&F will be holding a sausage sizzle and cake stall at school on Saturday 21 May as a fundraiser during the Election.

We are seeking your help to either volunteer (1hr) between 8am-3pm and/or donate some scrumptious goods to be sold at the cake stall.

Baked goods can be cakes, cupcakes, slices, cookies, etc.  Everything should be clearly labeled with what it is and a list of ingredients.  Please provide packaging you do not want returned (eg glad wrap, paper plates etc).

Baked goods can be delivered to the office on Friday 20 May from 8:30am-3:30pm.

Please let us know if you can help out by contacting Chrissy Richards on 0417 938 102  or 

 [email protected]

Curriculum Matters

This week is NAPLAN week. Students in Year 3 and Year 5 kicked off testing yesterday with Writing.

As the week progresses the students will sit one test per day. This was a last minute decision as we wanted to ensure that we could deliver the tests successfully as for the first time NAPLAN is online using our Chromebooks and school network.

The change to online testing effects all students and schools across Australia. This move allows for the tests to be tailored to the needs of individual students, with their questions automatically adapting to match their achievement level. All students start at the same level, but the questions may become easier of harder depending on how many correct or incorrect answers they make.

NAPLAN online also has a variety of accessibility adjustments, so that students with diverse capabilities, learning needs and functional abilities are able to participate.

The students in Year 3 and 5 have been preparing for the online tests and learning how to navigate the platform with the guidance and support of their teachers. So far, all the students have been relaxed and positive about sitting the tests.

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator


Blank Section

From The Sports Desk

LSWW Athletics Carnival

Our annual K-6 Athletics Carnival was held at Jubilee Park on Thursday 5 May. The day was full of lots of colour, wonderful sportsmanship, fantastic competition and beautiful sunshine. All students are to be congratulated on their participation, enthusiasm and determination in their events. Congratulations to our Age Champions, the students who broke new records, those who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd and our Champion House, Willans Hill.

A big thank you to Bob Hay from Wagga Wagga Athletics Club for supplying and managing the timing gates and assisting with the entries and results. Thank you also to Phil Hoey for assisting with the First Aid, Mary Woodbury for supplying our yummy refreshments and the K-6 staff and parent volunteers who assisted with the coordination of the carnival. Everyone worked tirelessly and played their role to perfection.

Champion House
1st Willans Hill
2nd Red Hill
3rd Tatton Hill
4th Rocky Hill

Age Champions

8 Years Girls
Age Champion – Rosie Molineux and Indi Walker

8 Years Girls
Runner Up – Apple Macleod

8 Years Boys
Age Champion – Jordan Tracey

8 Years Boys
Runner Up – Edward Benecke

9 Years Girls
Age Champion –  Isabelle Rodney

9 Years Girls
Runner Up –  Charlotte Hannaford

9 Years Boys
Age Champion – Charlie Forsyth

9 Years Boys
Runner Up – Tom Bull

10 years Girls
Age Champion – Sara Grigg

10 Years Girls
Runner Up – Stella Daly

10 Years Boys
Age Champion – Ryan Jose

10 Years Boys
Runner Up – Rex Benecke

11 Years Girls
Age Champion – Sophia Gooden

11 Years Girls
Runner Up – Chloe Lieschke

11 Years Boys
Age Champion – Max Pilkington

11 Years Boys
Runner Up – Emmanuel Connison

12/13 Girls
Age Champion – Poppy Gaynor

12/13 Girls
Runner Up – Annabel Hannaford

12/13 Boys
Age Champion – Logan Robbins and Kaspar Szyndler

12/13 Boys
Runner Up – Sam Bull

NSWCIS Rugby League Trials
On Monday 9 May Lachlan Tracey travelled to Sydney for the NSWCIS Rugby League trials. There were 80 boys from Sydney/Regional NSW Independent Primary Schools trying out for 17 positions. Lachlan participated in a skills session, followed by five 20 minute games. At the conclusion of the games, the NSWCIS Rugby League team was announced. Congratulations to Lachlan who was one of the 17 boys selected in this team. The NSWCIS Rugby League team will compete at the NSWPSSA Rugby League Championships in Kiama this term. Thank you to Carly and Shane Tracey for transporting and supporting Lachlan at the trials. We wish Lachlan and his team all the best at the NSWPSSA Rugby League Championships.

Lachlan Tracey – ‘I enjoyed playing against new people and playing five games of footy’.

Caroline Stewart

PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator

NSWCIS Netball Trials
On Friday 6th May Annabel Hannaford and Poppy Gaynor travelled to Sydney to trial for the CIS netball team. They played 10 games in the RAS team in which they came 4th overall. A great effort playing against all other regions around the state. Annabel’s shooting statistics for the day were very high. Poppy played in the centre court and she moved the ball down the court strongly and took some great intercepts. Annabel made it through to possibles although was unsuccessful in making the team.

The two girls should be proud of their efforts and these games will assist them with their netball throughout the netball season.

Thanks to their parents and grandparents for attending and supporting the girls at this event.

Nicole Wadley
RAS Netball Coordinator




Last week at OSHC we spent our time carefully crafting Mother’s Day gifts.

We coloured cards, made bath bombs, made soaps and decorated trinket boxes for potpourri. The children showed their love for their mothers as they took time and care making sure the gifts were special. The children shared stories of their families and told staff and friends about their favourite things to do with their mums.

The children also showed off their imaginations and engaged in role play throughout the week as they dressed up in costumes everyday!

Last week another hit amongst the children was colouring velvet artworks to hang up around the room. Children displayed pride in their work as they pointed out what artwork was theirs on the wall.

(Outcome 4.3- Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another)


Melanie Woodbury

OSHC Educator

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School.  We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance.  Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected] we will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you

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