


Term 2, Week 7

Coming up this week



Thursday 9 June

School Photos

Friday 10 June


Friday 10 June

SIRU Rugby Union finals, Stage 2 - Canberra


To work under God in partnership with parents to provide an inclusive, nurturing and high quality education for every student.


Flourishing through faith, belonging and the pursuit of excellence.

From The Principal

Courage is about learning from challenges, even if we don't choose them

Courage exists in challenge. If you ask people to tell you about challenging circumstances that increased their capacity to face future challenges, they often speak of challenges they chose to face – speaking at a graduation, beating the unbeatable sporting rival. But what about challenges they didn’t willingly choose?

As adults, we can think of plenty of challenges we have faced that we’d rather not have faced – the death of a loved one, a family break-up, natural disasters. We don’t choose those experiences, but they shape us. They shape us negatively if we ultimately feel powerless. Experiences shape us positively if we learn and develop from them. Our psychological capacity for courage comes through the facing of challenges, whether planned or not.

The stories we tell ourselves

Rather than focusing on the outcome of a challenge as “good” or “bad” or how we felt, it’s more advantageous to tell the story of the process.

Challenges represent a fork in the road. One path leads us to the conclusion that life is unfair, dangerous and unsafe. The road of courage says that something exists within us and supports exist around us to face the circumstances ahead. The difference between the two forks is way we frame the experience in the form of a story. 

The stories we tell ourselves about past challenges inform our expectations for future challenges. The tendency to assign labels such as “good” or “bad”, “success” or “failure” take the focus away from growth. We can grow, even if we don’t always succeed. We eventually choose courage over comfort, knowing we will be better for it in the end.

Helping students learn from challenges

In previous weeks, Mr Evans has been sharing a classroom technique called “Circle Solutions”. One of the purposes of using circles is to help students share their challenges, discuss solutions and check back to see if their possible solutions worked in the end.

Our Restorative Practice conversations equip students for courageous conversations. Rather than feeling helpless or victimised, they are empowered to tell the whole story (beginning, middle and end), including how each person felt at different points of the story and what might have gone differently. Their unchosen difficult experiences provide them with a toolbox they can use to solve future challenges.

You can help at home by having similar conversations when situations arise:

  • What happened (start with what they were playing or doing – all the way to the end)?
  • Who was affected? How?
  • What might have been done differently?
  • How can we make it right?

May God bless you as you coach your child to make meaning from experiences and glean courage from the process or working through the challenges.

Janet Moeller

This fundraiser supports the work of an alumnus of Lutheran School.

Mark your calendars

Queens Birthday Public Holiday
Monday 13 June

Spell Master Round 4
Tuesday 14 June

Parent Information Session – Circle Solutions for student wellbeing 6pm

Tuesday 14 June

P&F Meeting 7pm

Tuesday 14 June

From The DEPUTY Principal

School Photos

Just a reminder that School Photos will take place tomorrow, Thursday 9 June. Students will need to be dressed in their Full Winter Uniform, even if it is a PE day.

School Assembly
It was great to hold a school assembly this week. For your information these will take place every fortnight on Monday at 9.10am in the chapel. The next assembly is scheduled for Monday 20 June. Parents are most welcome to attend. Please follow our COVID protocols by entering through the rear doors of the hall, applying hand sanitiser and socially distancing with your seating.

COVID/Flu-like symptoms
We are currently experiencing a large number of students who have COVID or the flu. If your child is experiencing COVID or flu-like symptoms please do not send your child to school. Your cooperation with this is appreciated.

Social Circles presentation to parents
Just a reminder I will lead an information session on Social Circles. This will also include some active participation of how a Social Circle works and the social and emotional benefits associated with this practice. The session will start at 6pm on Tuesday 14 June in the hall. Please try to come along.


Just a reminder that the walkathon is being held on Friday 10 June.  We would like to thank the following businesses for their generous donations:

  •  G-Tec Security
  •  Noodle Paradise
  •  Complete Skin
  •  Caton Medical
  •  Bidgee Kids Occupational Therapy
  •  B&M Joinery

Dylan Evans
Deputy Principal

Values Focus

Now we get it! John 16:19-33.

That is what the disciples said to Jesus shortly before he was arrested to be tortured on the cross: Now we get it now we believe. They said this, but within 24 hours they will be scattered to the wind. So, did they really get it?

I ask this because courage exists in challenge, but the disciples did not have the courage. They did not rise to the challenge of staying by Jesus side as he suffered and died for them, even though he had just spent the last 3 years with them. Are there times when you have had challenges in life and you haven’t had the courage to face them, just the the disciples here in this text? Despite thinking you had what it takes and believing in yourself wholeheartedly, you just couldn’t do it.

Jesus simply tells the disciples, “The time will come and is already here when all of you will be scattered”. He did not say this to beat them down so that they feel bad about themselves, get depressed, and do not bother trying. “I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me”. Jesus told the disciples this so they would know, despite them not having the courage and rising to the challenge, that He still died for them so they could know peace! Their relationship with God would be restored and they could have a peace the world can never take away.

Jesus then follows with these words: “While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world”. Jesus tells the disciples (and by extension you) that he has died and defeated the world and all the grief and failures within it. He tells them to take heart, cheer up, have courage.

Hang on, he tells them to have courage in the midst of failure!? In the grand scheme of things the disciples’ lack of courage in the face of this challenge does not matter. The same also goes for you in your own life, even though there are times when you do not rise to the challenge and do not have that courage. In the eyes of the one who saved you, it makes no difference. He still died for you and saved you in your baptism.

With this as your trump card you can face the world and all its challenges, and have the courage to face them all. Because no matter the challenge, Jesus had more courage than you could possibly imagine in dying for you.


Pastor David Cherry

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Wagga

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Curriculum Matters


Just a reminder Lutheran School Wagga Wagga will be participating in
the ICAS competitions this year. We encourage you to consider entering
your child into ICAS this year. The competition is open to students from
Years 2 to 6. Information about ICAS and how to register is available via
Seesaw. Learn more by visiting http://icasassessments.com.  


The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

  • the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
  • the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Schools provide this information to education authorities.


The NCCD data informs funding and work by schools and sectors. It ensures that support for students with disability becomes routine in the day-to-day practice of schools. The NCCD also supports students in the following ways:

  • The NCCD helps schools better understand their legislative obligations and the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
  • Schools focus on the individual adjustments that support students with disability. This encourages them to reflect on students’ needs and to better support students.
  • The NCCD facilitates a collaborative and coordinated approach to supporting students with disability. It also encourages improvements in school documentation.
  • The NCCD improves communication about students’ needs between schools, parents, guardians, carers and the community. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) annually publishes high-level, non-identifying NCCD data.


The NCCD takes place in August each year.

Emma Grant
Learning Innovation Coordinator

Blank Section


This week at OSHC we have been decorating paper fans and making some vibrant wooden lantern picture frames and paper lanterns. The children have also made some Dragon puppets.

The magnetic marble run and melt beads have been very popular this week as the children challenge themselves to make larger and more complex marble runs.

OSHC has been continuing our structured afternoons with table activities and physical activities. The children have very much enjoyed the variety of dance and movement videos we have played.

BASC Vouchers: We are now ready to accept your before and after school care vouchers. If you have any questions about the vouchers please feel free to call 69238124 or email us at [email protected].

Vacation Care: The Autumn vacation care program is also now available. We have some amazing activities planned including hoop day, musical madness, PJs at OSHC day and so much more.

Some days are already booked out. If needed we can add you to the wait list. Please feel free to pop into OSHC to get a copy of the program or email us on [email protected].

We look forward to another wonderful week.

Rebecca Cameron

OSHC Coordinator

Other Information

Families leaving the school

Please note that one full term’s written notice is required if you are withdrawing your child from Lutheran School. We purchase learning materials based on projected enrolment numbers at least one term in advance. Hence, the enrolment contract you signed specifies that failure to provide a term’s notice will result in you being charged for the subsequent term.

Uniform Shop Orders

If you would like to purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop, please email [email protected]

We will email you once the order is ready to be picked up from the office.  Thank you.


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