
Worship Program

We understand that not all of our families follow the Christian faith tradition. All students are required to be present and respectful during both chapel and devotions. We pray that the teachings will encourage rich family conversations about faith, enriching your family’s spiritual wellbeing and giving children a foundation as they embark on their own spiritual journey through life.


Each week our students join in our school chapel services. Throughout the term the students learn from Bible-based teaching how our school values apply today and how they are put into practice both in school and at home. Over a three year cycle the students learn about each of our values.

Although different from week to week, a typical chapel service will usually include several songs, a Bible message, prayer and a blessing.

Chapel runs for approximately 20 minutes. You are invited to attend either in person or virtually via a live stream.


On days when we do not have Chapel, our class teachers will involve their students in a morning devotion. Class devotions vary in format from teacher to teacher, but play an integral part in class life providing opportunity to reflect on the goodness of God. Devotions are age appropriate and may involve reading or viewing a Bible story or verse, singing and praying. Devotions are an important way we encouraging spiritual wellbeing.


Staff begin the day together around God’s word in a staff devotion. This is a special time where staff come together to share, celebrate and pray about the joys and challenges of community life. Though we are a Lutheran school, we value the variety of Christian traditions present in our staff and enjoy the diversity of expression shared during our devotion times.


Throughout the course of the school year, year groups and student leaders
will participate in a Sunday worship service at Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
Wagga Wagga. Students may participate in these services via a variety of
possible activities such as Bible readings, songs, dramas and prayers. These services are valuable opportunities for students and their families to experience
community worship and engage with our founding church.

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