
Curriculum Framework


LSWW is committed to providing excellence, equity and empathy. We strive to capture and enhance a child’s natural curiosity and intrinsic love of learning across all curriculum areas.

We believe that every student is a unique individual created by God with their own special gifts, strengths and needs. We acknowledge, nurture and upskill our students to prepare them for a rapidly changing society. While we cannot truly predict the future, we believe that the explicit teaching model paired with the problem-based learning we offer, will help your child become a confident, collaborative, ethical and emotionally resilient learner.

LSWW prepares your children to understand and contribute to our ever changing world.


Our school implements the NSW curriculum in ways that complement your child’s learning journey. We systematically collect and use data to identify the individual needs of students. We provide responsive, researched-based intervention programs sourced from Macquarie University and provide extension challenges for students who demonstrate mastery of grade level knowledge and skills.

Research based initiatives can be found in every classroom. The ‘Science of Reading’ is integral in our English programs in the lower primary and is directly linked to our whole school spelling program. Our teaching staff are actively involved in up-to-date professional development and liaise closely with outside agencies to offer contemporary learning opportunities for all our students.


Everything we do – from the range of technologies we use, the agile learning spaces we’ve developed, the pedagogical philosophies we promote and the incorporation of our school values – invite a lifelong dedication to learning.

Our dedicated, innovative and experienced classroom teaching staff, specialist teachers and support teachers, work together to provide rich, engaging and authentic learning experiences. Every teacher and learning assistant provides exemplary pastoral care and models the values of our school in their teaching.

We invite students to have a voice in their own learning through ongoing reflective practices and scheduled student surveys. Research indicates that students who believe they have a voice in school are seven times more likely to be academically motivated. It enables students to step up their civic engagement, realising that they can make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

Additional features of the NSW Primary Curriculum at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga include:

  • Specialist teachers in the areas of Music, Physical Education, Creative Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Explicit teaching, modeling and practise of social and emotional skills
  • A wide range of extra-curricular clubs, activities and events
  • A vibrant music education and performance program involving choir, percussion groups and recorder groups
  • Private music, speech and drama lessons (optional)
  • Team sports involving Years 3-6 that compete against other local and regional independent schools
  • Year level camps for Years 3-6, ranging from 1-3 nights

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